Bucky - Emotionless (battle details)

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this part is not a song fic. but I just thought the song fits, it was what I was listening too while writing it I haven't watched the hobbit yet...

but your welcome to all of the Hobbit fans.


Kira walks up to the front desk, she checks her black gloves again, perfect everything was hidden and she looked like a normal Avenger fangirl (no offense ;) but you have to admit if you were meeting the avengers, you would make a move on them).

She cleared her throat and looked down at that lady,''Excuse me. I have a meeting with Mr. Stark, the name is Yavvana Krystal.'' the lady pecked at the computer keys to confirm the information. She nodded her head,''for the lab assistant? You can meet him on floor 30.''

Kira smirked after she passed her and entered the elevator pressing floor 30. When it reached it she was met with the sight of Tony Stark he stuck his hand out towards Kira,''Nice to meet you Miss.Yavvana Krystal.''

I put on a bright smile and responded with,''Nice to meet you too Mr.Stark, but it was a long ride so may I use your restroom.'' He nodded,'' Sure, its down that hallway at the very end.'' I smiled and walked down there. I locked the door and looked inside my purse, it was my assassin suit. should I really do this?(http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=194997365)

-Start Music-

I put it on with a uneasy grimance and looked at the device I was holding in my hand it would take the power out of the entire building. I press the button and slide my night-vison glasses on while I started to navigate around the building, I saw Tony cursing in his suit calling his avenger budies. I breathed before pulling my red and black twin sword with a sharp metallic sound.

He swerved his head towards me, his robotic mask taunting me as if it was saying 'you are really gonna kill us aren't you, what happened to you' I shook my head. Better get this over with, I jumped from the shadows swinging my swords a little too late when I sensed the presence of the remaining 4 avengers. ''Crap'' I said sharply, and twisted my body with elegance to block the on coming blow from Thors hammer.

I did a front flip over the rapidly shot arrows and widow bites. I kicked thor in his chest and spotted a hudling Dr.Banner trying to stay calm, im going to have to change that. I quickly got my bow off and knotched a bow sending it flying towards Banner letting out an unnerving high pitch whistle. I saw Banner dodge it and start trembling horriedly I saw his eyes getter greener. ''Tony! get him hiding, she trying to release the hulk,'' Romanov snapped.

I slahed Barton deep and apparently it made red-head mad, she came at me with the same moves I had, we couldn't beat the other we knew each others move a second before they do it. she slams me down on the floor with her arm on my neck and harshly breathes,''red room training huh, unfortunely I think I learned a little more than you.'' I laughed a little before saying,''than you should know that you made a fatal mistake.''

I kicked her in the stomach and when she fell I quickly got up and slashed her in the stomach before I can stab the sword in her heart, electricity coursed though me. Barton was smirking holding his injured shoulder,''Arrows always do the trick.'' I was still being hit with electricity full force and had to try hard to force myself not to cry they slapped handcuffs on me and pulled off the arrow and I let out a unaduible sigh of relief.

The woman looked me in the eye and said,''lets find out who she is.'' She pulled off my mask and gasped. ''Tasha whats wrong!'' Clint asked worried, Natasha replied with,''This is the winter soliders daughter and if my calculations were correct then shes only 13, Kira what happened? did you betray us!'' I couldn't look her in the eyes.

Once upon a time when I was 8 I was upset, and I ran away from hydra where I stumbled upon shield they quickly took advantage of me .Convincing me that giving them information was the right thing to do and that my parents would be proud,  I wasn't tought to not trust anyone then and jumped on the offer secretly giving them a advantage over hydra until I was 12 years old and realized that all I did was put my agency in danger. So I stopped, and never told anyone.

''Yes! you used and took advantage of my naiveness.' I angrily said before jumping up and spin kicking them, I broke the weak handcuffs and jumped out of the window on to another roof top the same level (oh how convinent). I made my final decision I wil go face my father, tell him that Tony Stark is dead and then run away for good this time, and live on my own where nobody will find.

Then I finally realiezed

Oh god..... I betrayed everyone


so what do you guys think? I looked at when I last updated and I was OMG I haven't updated in 5 days, et me finish up the chapter! I know its not a big deal but I like being mostly consistent. So anyway tell me a randm weird fact about you comment it on this pargraph, I will pick the weirdest and funniest to post on the next chapter

oh and I might start a ''comment of the chapter'' where I read through all of the comments and find the one that I like the best and feature it as comment of the chapter

well bye fangirls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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