Loki - Bully

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okay so this is te first imagine for @Nxywolf78. there is going to be some real feels and maybe some triggering moments, and I was listening to this song when I got the request and it was perfect its called 'hey bully'. But if you are being bullied tell a adult or tell me and we will help you through. so lets go on to the story now.


"Your soo ugly''

''Why do you speak so weird, your such a freak''

''awwww look she is gonna cry''

''just go back to where you belong loser''

Nxy burst through the crowd, this was so normal for her it was sad she doesn't tell her dad about it though or anyone actually. But then a boy stepped up and punch her in the face, she let out a cry and was about to run when two other people came and held her arms back. she let out angry comments to look strong as the boy continued to beat her up, eventually he left laughing and the two boys holding her arms back dropped her as she breathed heavily.

She looked at the puddle next to her and she saw the faces of her bullies laughing at her. Nxy teared up and ran home where she ran up to her room she cried silently talking to herself,'' why did me and father move to mudguard? t-they are s-so c-cruel here!'' she punched her mirror breaking the glass and littering cuts on her hand. She looked at a big shard, maybe she can end it all here, she was only half-god she could tak her own life.

Suddenly she heard her father,''Nxy, I have return from the battle in Asgurd!'' he then sensed her dark thoughts. he ran up,''Nxy!! Nxy!! whats wrong!?'' he opened the door with his magic and dropped the flower he got fr her. Nxy was leaned up against her bathtub her left arm cut opened and a bloody shard of glass next to her. she looked at her dad,'' they are always so mean to me. they are- what do the midguardians call it- always bullying me, they did this too me.'' she turned to the dad and he saw the bruises on her face.

Loki felt anger build up in him, how dare these midguardians treat his daughter like this, he used his magic to start healing her and said,''Its okay Nxy, it will be all right, we can return to Asgurd if you wish it. you are so Special and unique you matter so much to me.'' she cried in his arms,''i d-didn't want y-you to think t-t-that I w-was w-weak.'' Nxy was then full  out crying and her father held her,''princess, you are the strongest girl I ever known.'' she looked at him with her brown eyes filled with tears.

she stayed quiet and eventually her sobs faded and she was asleep in her fathers arms, the only place she needs to be, she was finally peaceful and..... happy, in a way.

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