you get your first detention Part 1

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You grumbled as you made your way to the car. Your dad was grinning slyly at you."so.... How was the detention,'' he drawled out wanting reaction. You glared at him," oh shut up!"
You started to pout looking out of the window. You were in 10th grade and you had gotten your first detention because of your father.
He looked at you before saying," I'm sorry mini-me." You huffed before you decided to forgive him and you leaned over to give him a quick hug and then said
"Ok I forgive you, next time... Just don't provoke my teacher and steal my homework, claiming that apparently 'my little (y/n) cannot go through school without at least one detention"
He huffed,"fine, but don't tell me how fun it is when you have kids and get them detentions."

You trudged out of that terrible school, you was mad, no you was absolutely pissed.
You looked at your arm and saw green tinting it so you quickly calm down, no need to have a she- hulk on the loose.
You stomped home to where your dad waited for you explain why you had a detention you started protesting,'' Its not my faul my science teacher was explaining Gamma radiation and she got it all wrong, she said that they had the biggest wave lengths and smallest energy in any wave of the electromagnetic spectrum, but it was wrong so I pointed that out because Gamm radiation has the smallest wave lengths and the most energy in any wave of the electromagnetic spectrum. And that they are produced by the hottest and-'' your father cut you off,'' ok, ok I get it. it wasn't your fault, I will go send Tony to be yor new science teacher.'' you looked at him horrified,'' b-b ut dad no!''

he smled at you evily and said,'' you still did something wrong to get a detention.''


you walked home sadly, just about ready to burst into tears. Your dad was waiting for you his stern look slightly faultering as he saw the look on your face,''whats wrong (y/n)?'' you sniffed before looking at him,'' well remember the detention I had?'' He nodded ,'' well, its because when I was walking to school I saw some boys beating up a poor little puppy so I yelled at them to stop. they turned around and taunted me before trying to kill the puppy so I started to punch and kick them until they were uncounsois a-and the the p-puppy I-I-I think I-It w-was homeless. so I r-ran I-it to the vet, t-than ran back t-t-to s-school and I m-missed f-first period, they wouldn't b-belive me and gave m-me a d-detention. I-I c-check w-w-with the p-puppy a-a-after school, and they s-said h-h-he m-might n-n-ot m-make it!''

you burst out in tears and your dad completely softened when he heard that you indead did not do anything wrong he hugged you and you eventually calmed down.


sorry for not updating in a long time and only three of them are done, I might make a part two for the others put I am not sure oh and if you want to have your own imagine in here feel out this frm and either comment or pm me it

Parent: (any avenger or Loki or Bucky or any Characters that have to do with the avengers like Coulson or Fury )

Plot: anything


Plot type: ( sad,happy, mad)

Your personality:

Your Apperance:

so as soon as I get a imagine request I will start working on it

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