Chapter Ninety-Nine

Start from the beginning

I make a face, "Trust me, I would do so much if Peeta would let me but he barely let's me do the dishes without worrying about me. Like I seriously can't do normal everyday tasks without him worrying." I say.

I love Peeta more than anything and I know he's just trying to keep us safe and stuff but he doesn't let me lift a finger and it's not like I can't do anything-especially now.

But I know my husband too well.

He's going to want to continue as if nothing had happened.

"He's just trying to keep you and the baby safe. I know you get frustrated and he knows it too but there's nothing wrong with it."

"I am just going to insist on Peeta relaxing until he's better and not giving into letting him do things." I decide.

"Just don't over do it."

"I won't."

She nods.

"Did you ever get like weird dreams when you were pregnant either times?"

Bristol shakes her head.

"I usually have pretty weird dreams but honestly since I've been pregnant I've had scarier ones." I say truthfully.

"That's probably normal, I don't really know though. What are they about?"

"I don't remember most of them so I couldn't tell you." I say truthfully.

My memory is horrible too-another thing I'm going to go ahead and blame on pregnancy.

She laughs a little, "Sounds about right."

I smile sadly, "How are you feeling?"

"Broken ribs aren't fun but I heard rumors I'm being released tomorrow."

I laugh a little, "That is good."

"Have any idea when Peeta is going to get out?"

"I have no clue. I haven't heard and I guess it depends on how his surgery goes?" I shrug.

"His leg was terrible, I'm surprised he still has it." She says.

I shrug, "I didn't look. I think I would've gotten sick and I don't think Peeta nor the doctors would've liked that very much." I joke.

Bristol laughs, "I bet we will all be at home again by Sunday, if not before."

"I hope it's before because I missed my appointment for Rye."

"Shit. Katniss, why did you skip it?" Bristol scolds me.

"Because I had to get here as soon as possible and couldn't wait until 1 o'clock." I say truthfully.

"It's better than waiting another week or however long it will take to get you back in there."

"I don't know. I should've gone but it's okay." I sigh.

"Katniss, I think that if anything was honestly wrong with the baby, you're instincts would tell to you."

"I know and even if there was something going on, there wouldn't be anything we could do." I say truthfully and I've come to terms with that.

If anything was to be going on with Rye, there's honestly no sense in worrying until he gets here because we can't change it.

"I'm sorry." Bristol frowns.

"Do you remember when you were pregnant with Carter and she almost died?" I ask her.

She nods, "The way I felt that day, is how you've been feeling with Rye. Not the whole stomach pain thing but the pain in your heart?"

I nod my head.

She knew exactly what I was talking about.

"I'm just scared."

"It will be fine, Katniss. All of it." Bristol says.

I shrug, "If something is really wrong with him or if something happens to him, I'll be devastated but it will literally shatter Peeta's heart."

"He really is happy about having another baby."

"I know he is and I am too. I wanted it nearly as much as he did. I would be heartbroken if something happened." I say truthfully.

"I mean no matter what happens he is my baby and he's a part of Peeta and a part of me. We are going to love him no matter what." I say.

"I know you will but what if he ends up with a disease or something?"

"It's going to be scary for us but it doesn't mean we won't love him." I say, growing annoyed with her.

We don't even know if it's something and Dr. Coles doesn't want us worrying so I'm sure it's nothing but Bristol keeps insisting an answer for what I would do if it was.

I don't know what I would do besides love him.

I didn't know what to do with Willow either, being a first time mom-I was pretty clueless but I loved her and I still love her.

That's the only thing I know how to do is love.

***This sucked but I'm trying to end the freaking stupid book already

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