Chapter Forty-Three

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Katniss POV-

And doesn't take him long to wake up.

"Daddy, get up!" Willow says in a soft, high pitched voice.

I laugh and Peeta's mouth forms a smile and his blue eyes open.

"Rawr!" Peeta says loudly, making Willow jump.

She giggles, "You scared me!" She squeals.

Peeta sits up, "Did I scare you, Momma?"

I shake my head laughing, "Nope."

Willow sits in Peeta's lap and looks at me.

"Willow wants to tell you about what we looked at downstairs." I say to him.

Peeta nods, "What did you look at?" He asks.

"I saw you and Mommy's book and mine too!" She says excitedly.

"You did?" Peeta asks, interested.

I'm sure he has no idea what she's talking about.


"It was our wedding album and Willow's baby book." I tell him.

He nods.

I smile and Peeta grins at me.

"At first we looked at mine and it was Mommy with a really big belly and I think that she doesn't want to be fat again so that's why we can't have a baby." Willow says to him.

I can't help but to laugh at that and Peeta does too.

"Then she was crying and holding me and I was little tiny."

He smiles.

"Yep, then what?" He asks.

"Then there was one of us and you were crying too!"

"I was crying?" Peeta asks in disbelief.

"Yeah and in your wedding you cried when you saw Mommy!"

Peeta and I both laugh and she goes on and on.

"And I saw Gale with Mommy and Finnick and Bristle and then every one else sitting down. And I saw Mommy's mom and you're Mommy and Daddy too and your brothers and then a lot of other people." She tells us.

"And Mommy looked so beautiful." Willow tells him.

"She did look beautiful, didn't she?"

I smile at them both and Peeta gives me a grin.

"Yes. Her hair was all pretty and she had a dress on too. Then you fixed your hair too, Daddy and you didn't have any scratchies." She says, referring to his whiskers.

Peeta laughs, "Nope. Momma wouldn't let me kiss her that day if I didn't shave." He tells her.

Willow laughs and so do I.

"I saw Carter too when she was a baby. And Mom said that Finn got to be at your wedding too and it made me mad but then Mommy said I wasn't in her belly yet and now I'm not mad at her no more." She informs Peeta.

We both laugh.

"That's good, baby." Peeta chuckles.

"Yep. I like our stories." She tells him.

Peeta takes my hand, "Me too." He says smiling.

"Me three." I say and Willow smiles.

Then she faces him, as if this last conversation never even happened just seconds before.

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