Chapter Seventy-Seven

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Katniss POV- (The next night)

"Peeta, I think I want to tell everyone else about the baby." I say in the middle of dinner.

He looks up from his food and so does Willow.

"How do you want to do it?"

"I don't want to do it in person. I think we should do it the way we did with Willow." I tell him.

Peeta nods and Willow looks at me, "How did you tell everyone about me?"

"We sent a little card that had it on there." Peeta tells her.


"I bet we have one somewhere." I say.

"Can you find it?" Willow asks me.

"Yeah, maybe sometime I can find it." I tell her.

"Okay." Willow says.

"What do you want it to say?" Peeta asks me a second later.

I shrug my shoulders, "Should we wait until we find the gender?"

"I don't care, Katniss. Whatever you want to do." He says nonchalantly.

"Do you just not care at all or like you just don't care about what I decide to do?" I snap at him.

"Baby, I care about it but I was saying I will be fine with however you choose to do it." He says calmly, not affected by my sassiness.

The last few days I've been so quick to anger, maybe it's from being sick or pregnant.

Or both.

Peeta brings me the laptop and Willow comes over and sits in my lap, while Peeta does the dishes.

Willow and I find a pretty simple but cute announcement card and agree upon it-I show Peeta and he agrees too so I order them.

"Willow, you're birthday is coming up. Do you know what you want to do?" Peeta asks her, coming over and sitting at the table next to us.

She sighs, "I don't know, Daddy. I want a cake though, please?"

He nods.

"Do you want to have a birthday party? We could invite your friends from school and Finn and Carter too." I suggest to her.

"Oh, okay. Yeah, that sounds-ed kind of fun."

I give Peeta a look and he nods.

"Do you want to have your party here or maybe at the park if it's nice? Any where you want." I say.

"I think I want to have it here." She tells me.

I nod my head.

"What do you want to do at your party?" Peeta asks her.

She shrugs, "I don't know."

"We could have a painting party, I bet Daddy would let you do that if you wanted to." I suggest to her.

"Yeah, Willow. That might be really really fun." Peeta says nodding.

I can tell he hopes she agrees upon it.

Willow smiles excitedly, "Oh, yes. I like that idea. I want to do that." She says nodding her head.

I smile, glad I suggested something she likes for once.

"Okay, well here, you and Momma write down everyone you want to invite so we know how much stuff to buy and how many invitations we will need." Peeta says, taking a notebook and pen off the counter top and handing it to me.

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