Chapter Seventy-Eight

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Katniss POV- (A few nights later)

"Peeta, get in here!! Hurry up!" I call excitedly.

He comes running out of the bathroom and into our room again, "What?" He asks me quickly.

I motion him over excitedly and he rushes to me.

"What? What's wrong?" He asks worriedly.

I yank his hand, pulling him down on the bed and I put his hand flat against my stomach.

Right when his skin touches mine, the movement in my belly stops.

There's a silent pause as he holds his hand across my belly for a few seconds and then looks up, "What? Do you feel the baby moving?" Peeta asks me confused.

I nod, "I felt the baby move for the first time, Peeta. It felt so amazing." I say almost in tears.

His blue eyes grow wide and he starts to laugh, he attacks me in a hug and kisses my cheek roughly.

"I wish it wouldn't have stopped when you came over." I laugh a little.

Peeta smiles a little and pulls back, staring at my stomach, "That's okay. This is great." He says putting his hands together then he puts them down, "I mean, that you felt the baby. Not that they stopped when I came over." He laughs excitedly.

I laugh a little, "They don't seem to be as hyper as Willow was the first time I felt her moving." I say truthfully.

Her kicks were so bad she'd make me sick and then it would get worse if Peeta was anywhere near me.

He laughs a little, "Give it time. I'm sure  they'll get there. Willow must've realized her strength and ability at the same time and this one is just realizing it can move I'm guessing."

I smile and sigh, "I'm so happy that I finally felt the baby moving, I've been waiting. It makes it so real." I say feeling tears of joy steaming down my cheeks.

Peeta smiles goofily at me, "Don't cry." He says taking my hand and rubbing it softly in between his and then kissing the back of it.

"I'm crying because I'm happy. Before, it didn't seem as real to me. That we were having another baby. I mean even when we saw it on the sonogram, it was real but now it's actually moving around in me." I say shrugging.

He smiles at me, laughing a little.

"What?" I ask him frowning.

Peeta shakes his head and pats my leg, "Nothing. Nothing, Katniss."

"Tell me." I say irritatedly.

He laughs, "Nothing. I'm just so glad that you're so excited about it."

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask him.

"Because I know you didn't always exactly love the idea of having kids and now we are going to have two." Peeta says.

"It wasn't that I didn't like it. I was scared but you showed me that there's nothing to be scared of." I say.

That's a lie.

There's actually a lot to be scared of when you have a baby and I've experienced every fear there is, even the most ridiculous ones.

But Peeta has been there to help me with every fear of this pregnancy so far and most of Willow's.

Peeta makes a face, "We both know there's a lot to be scared of but you're going through it just to make me happy and I can never ever repay you for that." He says softly.

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