Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Peeta POV- (Later that night)

"Peeta, I need to talk to you." Blake says bursting into the house for some reason.

I jump up, startled that he's shown up.

"Peeta, Katniss and Bristol aren't coming back. They're gone." He delivers the news to me.

My heart falls out of my chest and my chest tightens so much it's hard to breathe.

"The car. It wrecked in District 6." He tells me softly, tears streaming down his cheeks and he looks over at the girls and frowns.

Willow, Carter and Carson are all asleep around me, innocent and unknowing of the news that I've just been given.

I start crying and I can't stop.

She's gone.

She's never coming back.

I won't ever see her smile again or hear her sweet laugh.

I won't ever get to kiss her or tell her how much I love her. Or tease her about stupid things like I've always done.

I will never see Katniss again.

Willow won't have a mother, same for Carter and Carson.

I won't ever get to see the baby and neither will Willow.

Because if Katniss is dead that means our baby is too.

I won't get to see Willow be a big sister and I won't ever become a dad again because I know moving all will not do for me.

I won't get to see the miracle of life that only Katniss could give me and I won't see them grow up

Katniss and I have been officially robbed of the rest of our 'forever and always.'

I stand up fall to the floor weakly, for some reason Blake has disappeared, leaving his two children here with me.

How am I going to break it to them?

My best friend and my wife and the mother of my children is gone and so is her best friend, they left us here.

About that time my phone rings and I answer it, with high hopes.

It says it's from Katniss.

I answer it, thinking maybe Blake was lying but why would he lie to me about something this serious? Saying that both of our wives died, he wouldn't unless it was true but I answer it anyways, hoping and praying to hear Katniss's voice on the other end, but I don't.

On the other end of the line I can hear ambulances shouting and sirens in the back and men and women talking. They're saying, "She's got no pulse and this one's beat up badly. They're both dead."

I can't breathe.

"This woman is bleeding." A man tells another ambulance.

"She must've been pregnant."

I completely and totally lose it.

I scream loud, fowl things into the phone. Screaming and crying and cussing.

I open my tear filled eyes and see complete darkness.

(End of dream)

"Daddy, it's okay." I hear Willow say softly, all the way on the other side of the bed and she's crying.

I sit up, gasping for air. My heart pounding right out of my chest.

"Sweetheart, why are you crying?" I ask her immediately.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 5Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt