Chapter Eighty-One

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Katniss POV- (Willow's birthday party)

"I can't believe your pregnant. I thought you never wanted kids?" Johanna asks me with a laugh, embracing me.

"I changed my mind." I say smiling widely.

She smiles back, "I'm happy for you. I can't wait for this one to fall in love with me the way Willow did." She teases me.

I laugh, "Willow is crazy. Maybe this one won't be that crazy." I tease.

Johanna laughs, "Where is she?"

"Upstairs getting ready. My mother is here." I say shrugging.

"Oh. Fun."

"Yeah." I sigh. About that time Bristol pulls up and Finnick and Annie follow behind, then everyone else starts to flood in.

"Kitty Kat!!" Finnick squeals as he comes into the house, embracing me.

I scoff and hug him back.

Annie comes in with Finn following behind with a present in his hand.

"Katniss, you look beautiful." She says hugging me tightly.

"Thank you." I smile.

Annie smiles and looks down at my stomach, "How are you feeling?"

"Good. Great actually." I say truthfully.

Today has been great so far and it's only noon.

"Hi, Finn." I say bending down and he embraces me.

"Auntie Kat, your tummy is getting bigger." He tells me sweetly.

I laugh a little, "I know, the baby is getting big."

"I hope it's a boy so I can be it's best friend." He tells me.

"If not you're gonna be stuck with a bunch of crazy girls." I tell him patting his back a little.

He laughs, "But it's okay because Willow and Carter are my best friends even though they're girls."

"Yep, it's okay to have girl best friends. I'm your Daddy's best friend." I wink.

He laughs, "Yeah, my Dad said I will have to get Willow to be my girlfriend when we are older." Finn tells me.

I chuckle, "You may have to talk to Uncle Peeta about that but I bet he'll let you."

Finn smiles a little and Carter comes running in, "Aunt Katniss!!!" She squeals, almost knocking me over in a hug.

Bristol comes in with Carson on her hip.

"Carter-be careful!" She scolds her.

"It's okay." I say.

"I'm sorry." Bristol groans.

I hug Carter, "I'm sorry." She says softly.

"It's alright. I'm happy to see you too." I tell her softly and she smiles.

I stand up and Bristol hugs me, "You good?"

I smile a little, "Perfect."

"Hey, Carson." I say waving at her.

She laughs and wives back at me.

Glimmer, Marvel, Cato, Clove, Gale and Madge all show up and so do Willow's three little friends from school. The older girl I don't think came.

Willow comes running over to me as she and my mother come down stairs.

"Willow!!" Carter squeals and comes over and they embrace. 

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