Chapter Fourteen

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Katniss POV- (A few days later)

"Peeta, I think sometime we should take Willow to the nursing home." I say, walking down the stairs from putting her up for a nap.

He looks up from the television, "Yeah, that would be fun."

"When can we go?"

"I can call and see if they'll have us tomorrow if you want to."

"I'm just not sure that I'm ready for her to be around all those germs." I make a face.

"Katniss, we've taken her to the store with us and she's been fine. And we don't have to let anyone touch her." Peeta says.

I sigh, "Okay." I say, plopping onto the couch next to him.

"Do you think that River is okay?" I ask a question that's been lingering in the back of my mind for months.

We haven't visited in forever and I just hope he's doing okay.

"Katniss, I think if something would've happened we would've heard by now."

I frown, "I'm going to be devastated if something happened to him, Peeta."

"I know and so will I but we need to go up and make sure."

"We missed Christmas for him too. I was so caught up in Willow, I totally forgot about him on Christmas."

"I'm sure he will be fine with it. Hell, he may not even remember us." Peeta shrugs.

"What if he does and he's just been sitting up there waiting for us to visit since we last saw him in like April or May? So much has happened with us since then. I just hope he's okay or that he has forgotten about us." I say.

"I'm sure even if he hadn't forgotten about us that he won't be hurt that we've been busy. He will understand."

I nod, "Do you think we should take him some things when we go?"

"If you want to we can." Peeta says.

"Will you call now?"

He gives me a sad smile, knowing how anxious I am to know.

"Yeah." He says, getting up and then helping me up too.

We go into the kitchen and he dials the number.

A phone call later, Peeta hangs up.

"They said we are welcome to come in tomorrow sometime."

"What about River? What'd they say about him?" I ask desperately.

"She wouldn't disclose any information but she said he's doing good." Peeta says.

I smile, "Oh, that's great!" I throw myself into his arms.

I've just had this eerie feeling that he could be dead or close to it and we wouldn't have been there. I just hope he isn't upset with us for not visiting for so long.

He kisses my shoulder and rubs my back in the hug, making my whole being warm.

"They just thought that you were cute. Wait until they see Willow." I say to him and he smiles, pecking my lips.

I've been taking my medicine as directed and I have only had a few meltdowns or mood swings since I started taking the medicine a few days ago. Just simply having the mindset of trying to be happy for my family helps more than anything I think. It shows on Willow too, she seems happier when both Peeta and I are happy. I'm not sure what it is about it but that's how it works.

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