Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Katniss POV- (The next morning)

"Bye, Mommy! I love you!" Willow waves an walks right on into her classroom with no fuss.

There's a few kids bawling like yesterday.

I wave back, "I love you too." I say and leave.

I was expecting at least a little fit considering the huge one she through yesterday but I guess it's good she didn't throw one today.

Hopefully she won't do it again.

When I get to the car I call Peeta.

(On the phone with Peeta)

"Hey, sweetheart" I say all lovey dovey.

"Hello, beautiful." He says back sweetly.

I can hear the noise of the bakery in the background, people are talking and pans of pastries are being exchanged for new ones. And I'm guessing that he's probably in the back baking.

"How did it go just now?" He asks.

I laugh, "She didn't have a care in the world that I was leaving. Walked right in." I tell him.

Peeta laughs, "That's good. Hopefully that means no more fit throwing."

"Hopefully." I say.

He laughs, "She seemed to love it."

"I'm sure she does. If she could she would be at Bristol and Blake's house every day."

"I know. But Carter's the same with us."

"Yeah. Do you need any help?" I ask him.

"I actually do not need any help at the moment but I would sure love some company." Peeta says.

I smile, "Would you like for me to be your company on this fine morning?"

He chuckles, "I would love for my beautiful wife to come accompany me today."

I laugh a little, "Then I will be right over."

He chuckles, "Okay, sweetheart."

"I will see you in a few minutes. I love you."

"I love you too, baby. Bye." He says.

"Bye, Peeta." I say and hang up.

I drive down town to the bakery and see lots of cars outside, which is good. I go in through the back, since the front is nearly overflown with people and it's a complete madhouse it seems.

"Hey, Mrs. Mellark." A younger teenager that works for Peeta says. I smile and wave.

I see Peeta across the kitchen, hunched over and decorating a cake and I go straight to him.

"Well, that looks good." I say laying a hand on his shoulder. He turns around and smiles wide.

"Thank you."

I smile and sit down in his stool.

"Besides Willow not caring that you left her at school, did you both have a good morning?"

"Yeah. She was pretty tired this morning but she didn't fight me when I asked her to get up. Then I helped her pick out some clothes and we got her stuff together and then are breakfast." I explain.

I can tell mornings are going to be pretty routine.

Actually, I think my days are going to start being really routine now that Willow is in school.

Take Willow to school, help Peeta until noon, go home and then pick her up.

"Sounds fun."

"Not really." I laugh.

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