Chapter Sixty-Four

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Katniss POV- (5am, Christmas morning)

"Mommy! Daddy! Why did you sleep in here?!" Willow wakes us up to her angry groans.

I open my eyes and lift my head up, confused to as why she's so upset with us.

"Santa didn't come!!" Willow yells hysterically.

Peeta wakes up too and we see that we fell sleep in the living room last night and didn't get up.

I quickly climb off of Peeta and he sits up too and Willow crosses her arms angrily at us.

"Santa didn't come because you guys fell asleep in here. See he didn't come." Willow cries and points to the tree and empty stockings hung on the fireplace.

Peeta and I look at each other and I freeze and he seems to too.

"It's because it's still too early. Santa doesn't come to District 12 until six and it's only five." He tells her.

Willow makes a face, "Last year he camed before then, remember?"

"He changed his times, baby. That is what he called and said last night. You better get back to sleep before he sees that you're awake and really doesn't come." I say, trying to buy us some time.

She rolls her eyes, "Then you guys need to go to your room because if him doesn't come I'm gonna be mad."

"We will. Here, Daddy will go to our room and I will go lay with you until we wake up in a little bit." I suggest to her, knowing it may be the only way for her to get back to sleep and for Peeta to fix everything up without her seeing.

Willow sighs and nods her little head, obviously annoyed by us.

I stand up and take her hand and shoot Peeta a look that says he better get something done and get it done quick and then we all three head upstairs.

Willow leads me into her room and slams her door shut.

Peeta goes to our room long enough for her to shut her bedroom door and then heads back downstairs a second later I'm sure.

"Mommy, I can't believe you and Daddy didn't go to sleep in your bed." Willow scolds me as I crawl in her bed next to her.

I frown, "I'm sorry, baby. But me and Daddy were watching Christmas movies last night and we forgot to go to our room but I promise you Santa Claus will be here really soon. If he isn't here by the time we wake up then we can go to the store and we can pick out a bunch of stuff, anything you want." I suggest to her, knowing that Peeta will get something done.

She sighs, "Okay. Let's go to sleep, Mommy." Willow says snuggling up to me.

I lay my head next to hers and pull the blanket up over us, enjoying this little moment with her.

"Love you, sweet girl." I whisper to her and she reaches around for my hand and finally finds it.

She squeezes it tightly, "I love you too, Momma." Willow says back and closes her eyes.

I smile and soon we are both fast asleep.


"Girls, get up! We have to open Christmas presents!!" Peeta bursts into Willow's bedroom and sits on the edge of her bed and kisses each of us on the foreheads.

I open my heavy eyes and give him a look.

"Merry Christmas." Peeta says and pecks my lips.

I smile tiredly and sit up.

"Willow, you better wake up. I think that Santa Claus came while we were asleep." Peeta tells her.

She immediately opens her blue eyes and sits up.

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