Chapter Sixty-Two

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Katniss POV- (That night)

"Get your shoes and coat on, kiddo." Peeta tells Willow as we get ready for the hopefully fun night ahead of us.

Peeta hands me my coat and puts his own on.

"Daddy, what is a Christmas tree called again?" Willow asks him, looking over our tree, wondering.

I cock my head towards Peeta and wait for his response to her, knowing exactly what he's going to say.

"It's called an Everdeen tree, remember?" Peeta tells her, cracking a smile.

I roll my eyes and scoff.

"Oh yeah. Mommy, do you like Everdeen trees?" Willow asks me, completely distracted from the task of putting her shoes on.

I glance back at Peeta and shake my head and he smiles, "It's funny."

"It's not funny." I laugh.

"Then why are you laughing?" He asks me, hugging me around the neck and kissing my cheek.

"Because it's a little funny." I snort.

He bursts out laughing, "It's really funny, actually."

I punch him playfully, "And she has no idea that was my last name at one time." I say, shaking my head.

Willow cluelessly slips her shoes on her little feet and I help her with her coat.

"Hey, Willow?" Peeta says as I zip her jacket up.

She looks at him, "Yeah?"

"What's Mommy's name?"

She looks at me and back at Peeta, "Katniss Mellark." She tells him, making a face.

He smiles, "Yes, but did you know that Mommy use to have a different name?" Peeta asks her.

She shakes her head, raising her eyebrows.

"What was it?"

Peeta nudges me with his knee and laughs.

I smirk and snort, "Katniss Everdeen." I mumble.

Willow laughs, "Your name was a Christmas tree?" She giggles.

I shoot another sarcastic look at Peeta and he laughs.

"No, those are actually called evergreens, not Everdeens." I say and he chuckles and rubs my thigh.

She makes a face, "So, your names was a plant and a tree?" Willow asks me curiously.

I laugh, "I guess so, since that's what your Daddy taught you. But your name is a real tree so ha-ha." I tease her.

She laughs, "And Daddy's name is a bread."

I laugh and Peeta finds humor in it too.

"Is the baby gonna be named like a flower or a plant or a tree like us?" Willow asks me, pointing to my stomach.

I look over at Peeta.

"It depends on if it's a girl or boy and what Mommy thinks." Peeta tells Willow and pats her head.

"What do you think we should name the baby?" I ask Willow, quite curious as to what she will come up with.

She thinks a second, tapping her foot.

"Um, I don't know." She starts, shrugging her shoulders.

Then she lets out an annoyed sigh.

"I think that a cute name would be cheese-bun because it's a food like Daddy's name or maybe another tree." She shrugs her shoulders.

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