Chapter One - Wake Me Up

Start from the beginning

A nurse, almost as snooty as the doctor, came in without saying a word and started to remove my restraints and unhooked the electrical pads from my stomach and head. I instantly began to wipe my face to try and stop the ever-flowing stream of tears, which proved pointless. The nurse dropped a checklist on my lap and pointed to the boxes using her pen, handed me a tissue and waited. I looked down at the list, trying to read the small print through the tears.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, with one being the lowest and ten being the highest, how would your rate you physical pain? If above five please state why." It read. I really felt like telling her to fuck right off, but I thought it would be better just to get it out of the way and could act as a distraction.

The rest of the questions were fairly routine and just as strange and insensitive as the first. Thankfully, the mute nurse left promptly after I finished my questionnaire. I took a chance to look around the room, which smelt incredibly clinical. There was a bunch of flowers sat on the table opposite my bed, which looked fairly new, but perhaps a few days old by the drooping. There was nothing else significant in the room, apart from the two visitors who suddenly burst through my door.

"Oh my god, Emily! You're awake!" I heard a lady squeal. Two people, a man and a woman, quickly dashed into the private medical room as I had to blink my eyes hard to focus on the details of their faces.

"Iris and Barry?" I choked out. I didn't even know who I was expecting to arrive. Maybe my brain hadn't registered that it wouldn't be Eve running through the doors and giving me a hug. Maybe I thought that my dad would at least have visited, left a letter or something, but I guess I was giving him too much credit.

"Oh, I see they've already told you about Eve." I just about managed to nod. Both of them moved to my side as Iris put her arm around me, rubbing circles across my back to try and calm me down.

"I've-I missed her funeral, didn't I? At least say that my grandparents flew over."

"I don't think I saw them there. Your dad didn't say much in his eulogy and what he did say didn't seem to match up to how we thought she was. He nearly said your name instead of Eve's," Iris summarised, looking at Barry before moving her gaze back to me.

"That son of a bitch! How dare he show his face at her funeral, how dare he!" Wrapping my head around this whole situation was bad enough, let alone having my useless, waste of oxygen, carbon life-form of a father screw up her funeral.

"What's wrong with your dad?" Barry asked worry etched over his face.

"He hasn't spoken to Eve or I for seven years since my mum's accident," I said rather bitterly to convey my intense hatred for the man who supposedly gave me life.

"That sucks, Em," he replied, still looking just as worried.

"How did you guys know I was in this hospital?" I asked, quickly changing the subject from my parents. Everybody had daddy issues, right?

"Well, Barry was injured too, and he was in one of the other rooms across the corridor. I saw you in here so they let me start to visit you since nobody had come to see you and it had been a few months since you were admitted," Iris said with a sympathetic look on her face. I shuffled around on the bed, bringing my knees up to my chest and propping my chin up on them.

"Nobody came?" I looked over to her as it had finally dawned on me that not only was Eve gone, but she was one of my only friends.

"They said that they had called your dad, but he never came." How kind of him, it's not every day that you fall into a life-threatening coma or anything.

"You were injured too?" I tried to change the subject from my parents, again, as I began to feel all kinds of weird emotions, which I doubted I was ready to comprehend.

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