“River?” Drew questioned.

“Cain is hosting a dinner tomorrow. Salazar is supposed to be there. Warner says if my father isn’t contacted then Adler has the ability to get involved,” River told his friends. “He thinks he will because Warner doesn’t think he wants Adler involved.”

“To think a month ago we were all pissed we had to get married,” Harper said. “You two aren’t even married yet and you already have issues.” The man cringed as everyone glared at him. “I take it no ones in the mood for a smart ass remark?”

“Harper…” Dustin began.

“No need to tell me twice, I’ll shut up.”

“That would be a good idea,” Hunter announced. Looking at the Lord’s son he said, “I know you need to let your father know about this. If there’s anything we can do let us know.”

“I appreciate it,” River said. With a glance at Drew he walked away and headed back to his father’s mansion.


Tori sat in the window seat starring out at the night sky. Dinner had been tense to say the least. There were more than a few times Warner had tapped her leg under the table so she wouldn’t snap at the Viscount. Any doubt Cain might not be close to Salazar was erased. Cain had even had the audacity to ask her wouldn’t it be nice to see Lord Salazar again. She’d given a quick ‘I’d rather not.’ Neither man had liked her answer but she didn’t care.

“You need to get some sleep,” Warner said from the couch within her bedroom. The Viscount had provided a room for Warner but the enforcer had politely but firmly declined. He’d sleep on the couch so no one got near his daughter when they shouldn’t.

“How can I?” The blonde woman asked. “That Jerk thinks Salazar is great.” Tori almost choked on the word great.

“I know,” He said and getting up walked over to his daughter. Taking her hands in his he said, “First chance Adler will be here.”

Tori frowned and looked down. “Cain has to do something questionable. In case you haven’t noticed he’s been very careful around you.”

“Yes but I look for him to make a mistake while River and Salazar are here.”

The green eyed girl’s head shot up. “River is coming here?”

“If Cain doesn’t invite him when he has invited Salazar then he gives Adler the right to step in. You had an altercation with Salazar’s men,” Warner said pleased. “Cain didn’t know about that part when he agreed to take possession of you and make a ruling about the contract.”

Tori smiled pleased. “Wait couldn’t he just not let either around me?”

“Yes but I tend to think he’ll be allowing both,” Warner said with confidence. “Otherwise he’ll be dealing with Adler and he doesn’t want that. As it stands Adler may already have motive to step in depending on what Salazar has been allowed to get away with.”

“Will Adler help us though?”

“Lord Gregory is a good Lord. Salazar has done many questionable things in the past,” Warner began. “Adler will be fair. He is more likely to listen to Gregory because of his record. They do have a good relationship and Cain has made a few questionable decisions. Adler can’t just throw it out but he can overrule Cain if it’s warranted.”

Tori nodded. She wasn’t thoroughly convinced but it did give her a little more hope. “Come on Honey time for bed.”

“Daddy will you stay with me?” Tori asked.

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