Chapter 12: One Week Later

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~Sami's POV~
Shelby and Jess were helping me get ready for the wedding that was happening at the offices. My wedding. All our close friends. And their kids and husbands or wife's if their married or girlfriends and boyfriends. I told Tim we'd have to get married in front of Adams office if he wanted it at the office. He agreed. I took yesterday and of course today off from the tribute video. It was almost done. I just needed to add the photo of me at the end. I still haven't told Tim or anyone about it. I was almost ready but we had such little time. They were about to put makeup on me.
"Don't put that on my face."
"Why." Jess said complaining.
"I don't need it. I haven't worn it once and I'm not gonna wear it ever."
"Ugh fine! You still look beautiful tho."
"Yea!" Shelby yelled.
"Thanks you two for helping out with everything. I don't know what I'd do without you guys."
"Same. I just don't know why they never told you about us until we heard about."
"You can say his name. Its fine."
"But Sami. He loved you. And you loved him."
I stopped breathing for a moment.
"How did you guys know about that."
"He told us what happened when you came back here. How when you two were alone. He kissed you and you kissed back. He said he shouldn't of done it but he did." Shelby said.
"Do you think that if he survived he would do nothing but try to be with you?" Jess asked.
"I don't know. Come on were talking about a guy that ate cereal for ten minutes without talking because his fans wanted him to."
"True, but seriously if you had the chance to go back in time. Would you of choose Adam or Tim?"
"I'll have to get back to you on that. Its time."
*Time skip cause I'm laaaaaazzzzy and I'm in class😂*
"Do you Tim take Sami to be your wedded wife?"
"I do."
"And do you Sami take Tim to be your wedded husband."
I looked at Jess and Shelby and then looked back at Tim.
"I do."
*later at the offices*
Shelby and Jess were in my office with Tim and I. They kept asking were we would be going for our honeymoon.
I looked at Tim, "Maybe Hawaii."
"Adam loved going there." Jess said.
"I know."
"So who's gonna watch your kids?" Shelby asked.
"Probably the guys."
"You sure you trust them that much?" Shelby said.
"Yes. Most of them are living with me and Tim until they find their own places and they've done a good job so far at helping out."
"Well that's good."
"We should get going." Tim said.
"Yea. Just give me a minute." I got up and walked out of the office.
I walked over to Adam's office and stood in the doorway looking at everything before we leave for our honeymoon. For a second I imagined Adam sitting in his car playing GTA or gmod or Minecraft or even happy wheels with me. Then I started thinking about the night I came back here.
I walked through the offices for the second time in my life. Everyone greeted me but it was different when Adam greeted me. He was the only one who hugged me besides Ross. But it was different. I went to talk to him about it later that night when it was just me and him there. But when he stood up he pulled me close to him and he kissed me and I kissed back. But he was married so I pulled apart. As much as I hated Alesa. I still couldn't do that to her.
"I'm sorry Sami. I don't mean to."
"Its fine. As long as we don't speak of this to anyone. Got it?" I said looking into his brown hazel eyes that had softened after I said that.
"Got it. Let me give you a ride home tho. Its to dark to walk home."
*End of FlashBack*
I was startled by Tyler placing a hand on my shoulder.
I accidentally elbow him in the chest, "Oh my god Tyler I'm so sorry. Don't startled me like that."
"Lesson learned." He said while on the ground hugging his chest.
I held out my hand to help him up.
"Wow. Your still strong. Then again you do have 4 kids."
I shrugged my shoulders.
"I'll see you in a few weeks Sami. See ya!" Tyler said waving. Tim was waiting at the exit.
"Took you long enough."
"Sorry Tyler startled me and I elbowed him in the chest."
"Well now I know not to startle you."
"So you ready to go?"
I didn't tell anyone but I took a picture of Adams office just in case they do anything to it.
*5 weeks later*
I was to excited to see everyone that I had Tim take me straight to the offices. When we pulled up my jaw dropped.
I quickly got of the car.

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