Chapter 10: Moving On

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*Play song now*
~Tim's POV~
It was Sunday so it was our day off. Sami was laying in bed with all four of our children. Mason won't remember his dad since he's so young. But knowing Sami she'll tell him all about Adam one day. I just stand in the doorway of our room watching my family sleep. They all looked peaceful. I know I should be happy but I'm worried about Sami. She's been grieving for 6 months now. I sometimes hear her talking to "Adam" like he's still here. That's why I'm worried. I also feel bad for the fans because no one had told them about Adam's death. No one has said anything about it. Sami's using the accuse of taking care of her kids, that's why she hasn't been posting or uploading anything. I know she's busy with all four kids and all but they all have naps at the same time. We got Adam's dogs back from Alesa. So Milton and Rascal are always near Sami. They even protect our kids. But mostly Mason. It just hurts to see them look at the door for when Adam would usually come home. It hurts. I was so lost in thought I didn't even realize Sami was up and saying my name.
"Tim. Come lay with us."
I walk over there and lay down next to her.
"Its tough having four kids."
"Its tough for you the most because your always home. You never go out."
"Of course I don't. I'm busy with the kids."
"Sami let me talk to you alone," she looked at Abi, Mason, Ann, and Adam worriedly.
"Don't worry Milton and Rascal will watch them with their lives."
We stood up and we walked outside to the backyard.
"Sami someone needs to make a video about what happened to Adam. No one else will do it. You need to. You need to face the fact that he's gone."
"Sami. You know he's not. Stop being in denial." I say handing her the vlog camera.
~Sami's POV~
I sounded crazy.
"Sami. You know he's not. Stop being in denial." Tim said handing me the vlog camera.
"When your done with the vlog cone inside."
Tim gets up and walks inside. I sir there for 5 minutes then I turn the camera on.
"Hey guys. Spirit here. So this video has been put off for far to long. This should of been said 6 months ago, but I was in denial and no one else would make this video. So my amazing Fiancee got me to make it. A lot of you are probably asking, well all of you are asking, "Where's Sky?" He was taking a break for awhile. Then one afternoon," I stopped trying not to cry but the tears came out, "I got a phone call from the hospital saying Adam tried to kill himself. So me, Tim, and our daughter Abi, went there. The doctor asked to speak to me alone. I received the news that Sky was fading fast and that there was," I choked on my own words, "nothing else they could do." I stopped to let it all sink in.
Tim walked outside with Mason. He sat down next to me.
"Continue." Is all Tim said.
"So, I asked him why. He said he had lost everything. He didn't lose everything. He still had us!" I started to scream.
I almost dropped the camera. I couldn't stop crying. Tim set Mason down and pulled me close.
"It'll be ok."
"No it won't! Adam's gone!"
He just hugged me tighter.
"Please just finish the vlog so we can start moving on."
I looked back at the camera.
"I'm sorry for not telling you guys sooner. I'm so so so so sorry. There's no more Skydoesminecraft, Skyvsgaming, and Skydoesthings. So anyways guys. Goodbye." I waved sadly. I now was non stop crying. Tim helped me up and he picked up Mason. I walked inside and saw that Tim put Abi, Adam, and Ann in the play area we had for them. When I looked at the front door, there was all the guys including okward, mudkipz, Ty, Tyler, Jin, Jerome, Mitch, Shelby, Jess and Sundee. I ran up to Tyler and hugged him. I had history with Tyler. He hugged me back tighter. Then everyone hugged me. Maybe moving on won't be so hard if everyone is here.
*A/N I honestly didn't start crying until halfway through this chapter because of the songs that are playing. Oh my god. I can't stop crying😭*

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