He wiggles his eyebrows, his free hand in a three-fingered countdown. "We open it in three, two, one-"

"-This is counted as rape!"

I don't know which was more awkward by then. As soon as we see Luke and Tina on the floor, Mr. Carson farted loudly, and the bad odor even went as far as to our side, and he even admitted it without a sorry.

But what really was more shocking: an old man with supersonic farts, or two frenemies who broke each other's hearts were now kissing half-naked on the floor?

"Bloody putty it is." I was able to mutter in shock, and the two pair stared back at us in wide shock.


The lights were blinding. We never expected that a cabin like this could have a room that impressively imitates a real club. There's even a disco ball at the middle that Michael clearly enjoys. Ashton was playing billiard with Natalie. Jamie and Dawn were searching for chips and dips by the snack bar. And Calum was infront of us, trying hard to serve drinks and even juggling it like he was really a bartender.

"One cosmopolitan coming right up!" Calum exclaims with excitement, shaking the metal container with one hand and preparing a wine glass with another.

"Make it cranberry, Cal." Tina adds.

Since what happened a while ago was pretty odd, we decided to shake it off and found this mini bar behind a door beside the fireplace. Tina explained that they just slipped on accident and it was also an accidental kiss, yet all of us now it wasn't. But before a press conference could begin, I just invited them to have fun instead.

They were thirsting for fun, after all.

"Drinks done." Calum said with a satisfied expression. He placed a glass of martini for me, then he serves Tina her cranberry cosmopolitan.

Tina reaches for it with an appreciative smile, and took a careful sip. "Wow, it tastes good. You do know mixing drinks Cal!"

"There were instructions." he smirks, and with Tina coughing at this, he laughs right after.

"At least it'd not be poisonous." I took a sip at mine, and it was indeed refreshing and quite tasteful.

"Where's Lukey boy by the way?" Calum asked, leaning foreward on his elbow with a glass of vodka on his other hand.

We turned our eyes at Tina, who by then was choking on her drink. She coughed, setting the drink down on the counter and responded our pressing gazes with an innocent grin. "What?"

"Where's your lover, Ms. Smoochy Pants?" I see the sudden tinge of red on her cheek, making me smirk in return.

"First of all, he is not my lover." she protests, taking back her drink and sipping on it. "Second, do not call me by that name because we didn't kiss the way you'd think."

"I thought it was accidental. It wasn't after all?" I try for a sheepish grin, making her groan in annoyance.

"Well I- I mean, you know... Ugh!" she stammers, which she clearly failed to comprehend a proper sentence, and end up downing her whole drink instead.

"Whoa chill Tinsie, don't want you to end up like Michael. And he's much worse when drunk." Calum playfully smacked her elbow. He then faced the shelves and studied the drinks it contained.

"Where is he really though?" I asked the reddened girl infront of me.

She meekly shrugs and never made her lips left the glass. And as if on cue, a familiar blond sat right behind her on the stool.

"Why, speaking of the devil!" I chuckled and took a sip from my martini, shaking my head at them.

"Hi Kirby. Thanks for calling me a devil." Luke snaps at me, but then his expression calms when Tina regards him with a small smile. "Oh, hey there you are Tina."

"Never noticed her right there in the first place, right? Like she just magically popped up on that stool." I snapped back at him, me grinning in satisfaction as he huffs and crossed his arms.

"Why is he here?" Luke asked her, his blue eyes boring holes at me.

"Why are you here?" Tina retorts, making me chuckle in return. Luke's glare ascends in intensity due to this.

"Well, love, I'm here to win you back in one way or another." Luke smiled at her.

Even if I've seen his devious ways and how many times he broke her heart that I want to remove each hair on his scalp and sell them in eBay, I knew that smile and what he said were somewhat genuine. He has now casted a different glow, and I'm pretty sure the reason would be in the happenings within the time we weren't here.

How I'd pay to see it all. A precious Lukina moment even though I was a major anti-Lukina at first. Somehow, Michael and his goons had made me believe that Luke does have real feelings. And Tina did admit to me he still loves him. So as a good friend and a dumb life person, I let them be.

"Ew." Tina just rolled her eyes and scooted her chair closer to me.

"But Tina..." Luke whines, scooting his chair too.

God, when will they ever finally get together so they could stop bothering me?

I hear Michael's laugh as I see him playing around with a boombox. Then, rap music blares from it in a matter of seconds. Michael started laughing and started dancing hiphop. A very lame dance, that is.

"Shall we dance, Tina?" Luke suddenly appears infront of us, his one hand at the back and the other in an offer to Tina.

"Let me think." Tina drags on, and I far too well knew the smirk on her lips. "Wait, while I'm thinking, Kirby and I should dance. Come Kirbs!"

I didn't dare resist and helped her to the dancefloor, which reeked of Michael, and let my hands rest on her hips.

"You're killing the dude Tinsie." I subtly motioned to Luke, who was now pouting and watching us dance by the counter.

"He deserves it. Besides, I can't risk going into Dawn's bad side. Who knows what voodoo she'll cast upon me once she knows Luke and I kissed."

We share a laugh, and in my peripheral vision, I knew Luke's frown just deepened. But I was impressed, Tina is now playing safe.

What else would happen with this two crazed bipolar opposites?


hAH. long time no update mothfuckas xx

Bad Girl 101 [5SOS AU//completed]Where stories live. Discover now