"Rachel, you need to get up." Scott said. Rachel only scooted further into the corner, if that was even possible. Scott offered his hand, but she just moved farther from it. Sighing, he turned around and headed towards the door. "I loved him." Rachel whispered. Through Scott's memories, I could feel the same pain in his heart he had did in that very moment. A sharp pain of a knife plunging into your heart, tearing into your very soul. He had known the truth, but it still hurt when it was spoken aloud. "I love you too." Rachel said. Scott didn't dare turn around, instead he stared at the white door in front of him. "But you loved him more." He said. Her silence was her answer. The truth was up in the air, and down in their hearts. "I'm letting you go." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. Scott stiffened, clenching his balls into fists, before relaxing in the truth. "You don't have a choice." Then, as abruptly it appeared, the vision ended.

Damn. That was....intense. Piper said. Scott said nothing in response and continued his unappointed job as lookout. An awkward silence settled in the room, encompassing all of us for what seemed like hours. You know what we all need? Connor said, Pizza. My treat. Nodding in agreement, I stood up, causing Bella to do the same. Stretching out, I watched as my pack did the same. In usual fashion, we all returned into our human forms, changing back into the clothes we had folded up on the cave floor.

As a pack, we left the woods and headed back into the "business" of the small, isolated town and walked into the local pizza place. It was an unusually sunny day, so we took a booth seat by the window. "All right, the meat lovers pizza here is amazing, so why don't we get that with a side of boneless, spicy buffalo wings?" Connor said.

"Mmm...that sounds amazing." Anita said, "Oh, by the way, I was thinking of getting a haircut or a you know, maybe dye it. What do you guys think?" Piper twirled with the ends of Anita's hair and shrugged. "Well, what would you dye it?" Bella asked. Before Anita could respond, a waiter came up to us and asked if we would like a menu. Instead, we all agreed on Connor's suggestion and ordered the large meat lovers pizza with sixteen spicy buffalo wings and water for all of us. The waiter then took our order, and disappeared into the heavy door that led to the kitchen. "Well, I was thinking of ombreing the ends silver, kind of like my fur color." She said once the waiter left, "I was also thinking of getting a longer pixie cut."

"Why don't you do both?" Piper suggested. The waiter returned eagerly to our table, handing us our waters. "Here you go." He said, smiling brightly, probably trying to work his ass off for a decent tip. I smiled back at him and said thank you, prompting the others to do the same. Almost as soon as he left, Jamie and Erika approached our booth. "Hey guys! What's up?" Jamie said. Jamie's slender frame was engulfed by his oversized red flannel shirt, a sharp contrast to Erika's form fitting grey jeans and black tank top. "Hey Jamie, Erika." I said, "Would you like to join us?" I gestured to the two empty seats at the very end. Jamie and Erika shrugged, then took their seats beside us. "So, how's life treating you?" Connor asked, taking a sip of his ice water. "Sucky, but what do you expect?" Erika joked.

"Hey, when life gives you lemons..." Connor suggested. Jamie chuckled, stealing a sip of water from my cup. "Throw them back and demand chocolate." He said, chuckling. Connor burst out in laughter, heartily giving Jamie a high five. "Yup!" He said. Scott rolled his eyes, but laughed along with him.

"So, now that you're on the market, what's the plan?" Lana asked. Scott thought for a moment. "I don't know." He said, clearly confused. Piper chuckled, pulling her curls into a short ponytail using an elastic on her wrist. "Maybe you should go bae hunting." She jokingly suggested. The waiter appeared with our food, setting it in the middle of the table. After thanking him, we all took a piece and bit into it. "Mm, that's a great idea. Become a fuckboy." I said, sarcastically. "The single life isn't that bad. Aren't you single?" Piper shrugged, taking a huge bite of her pizza. "Yeah, but I'm looking." She said. I wanted to respond, but I chose not to. It was true, I wasn't looking. I knew what, who, I wanted. They were just unattainable, no matter how hard I wanted to they were untouchable.

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