"GREAT!!! ALL OF YOU KNEW AND NO ONE SPOKE ABOUT THIS SHIT!" Jimin shouted. Tae, too, was unable to hold himself together as he fell down crying. Oh my god... Tae thought. Jimin fisted his own hair, later bursting into a fit of laughter that undoubtedly screamed of pain and feeling of betrayal. Jimin punch the table top and pushed his Jin-hyung out of the way as he stormed out of the house, mumbling 'I thought you were my friend' just after he walked past Tae.

All that Jin did was let Jimin walk out of the room and out of the house. When Jimin was gone, he sat down beside Tae and pulled him and Jungkook into hug to comfort the two, who were sobbing uncontrollably. The commotion must've woken up the rest of the group, as Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok entered the room moments later.

"Hey! What the fu – WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Namjoon was about to scold the members for being so noisy this early in the morning, but completely forgot about it when he saw all the mess that has become of the room. "Hyung! What happened?" He continued to ask to Jin, because seeing Jungkook and Tae, there's no way they will be able to explain anything right now.

"Namjoon... I really don't know everything, but what I know is that Jimin finally remembered everything about Jungkook and what he did to him." Jin explained, while constantly rubbing Jungkook's and Tae's backs to comfort them. "And now, Jimin thinks Jungkook's love for him was just guilt, and he thinks of Tae a traitor." Jin continued.

"Ok... that kinda explains everything we need to know." Namjoon said.

"But... where's Jimin?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't know... he just ran off... he even pushed me out of the way." Jin answered. Tae looked up and wiped his tears.

"I-I think I-I k-know where h-he is." Tae spoke up, his words constantly being cut by sobs and hiccups. Jungkook was still crying hard. "W-When he's u-upset h-he goes t-to the p-park." Tae continued.

"What do we do now?" Hoseok asked all five members in the room with him. "I know he needs time, but he also needs us. He can't just cry it all out... and I'm afraid he might do something stupid." Hoseok continued.

"And I think of all the people in here, Tae and Jungkook are the last persons he would ever want to see." Namjoon said. Tae stood up with Jin's help and wiped his tears with the collar of his shirt.

"No... That may be the case, but Jungkook and I are the only p-people who knows everything. I-I'll go and talk to him." Tae volunteered.

"Tae... are you sure about that? You saw how angry Jimin was. I was actually surprised to see the table still standing after that punch he did." Jin said to Tae, placing a hand on his shoulder. Tae looked at Jin and nodded.

"I know... But I know Jimin-hyung. He won't hurt other people." Tae said confidently before stepping out of the room to look for Jimin. The members who remained in the room went to Jungkook and comforted him.

"After all this stress... I think I should cook good breakfast to at least make the situation a little bit better." Jin said to the group. "Stay and comfort Jungkook. He needs us now more than ever." Jin continued as he left to cook breakfast.

Jungkook continued to sob into Namjoon's chest. "It will be alright... You know Jimin is a kind person." Yoongi comfortingly said to Jungkook. Jungkook looked up and tried to speak.

"H-Hyung... I fucked up... I-I was going to tell him a-about everything someday... b-but he saw t-the notes... And n-now he remembers how I t-treated him b-before the a-accident." Jungkook explained to the three rappers. "And n-now... it's over! I w-was j-just trying to p-protect him from all the h-hurt, but I ended u-up hurting him more! I don't know what to do now!!!" Jungkook screamed. Namjoon pulled him closer and rubbed his back to give comfort.

Turning Tables (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now