Chapter 26: Jungkook returns

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After we got ready, we went out of our room. I was quite surprised to see the living room empty – that is, Tae wasn't out already. He used to wait for us in the living room during mornings. But now, the living room was completely empty. Then, the door of their room opened, and Jin came out of it.

"Good morning, hyung." We greeted him as he headed down the stairs. Behind him was a Tae that looked like he was still sleeping while he was walking. "And to you, too, Tae-hyung." I continued.

"Good morning, guys. So, you out to jog again today?" Jin asked. Jimin and I just nodded at his question. The zombiefied Tae came closer to us.

"You're going to jog? Can I come with you guys?" he asked, still not being fully awake.

I was about to say yes, but suddenly, Jimin cut through and got the opportunity to talk first.

"Sorry Tae, we'd really love to have you with us, but unfortunately, Jin-hyung would need some help with preparing the breakfast. Why don't you stay and help him?" Jimin said as he answered Tae's question. What? Isn't it Jin-hyung can cook breakfast without some help? I was about to object but I saw the way Jin smiled with what Jimin just said, so I just let it be. Beside, both parties will benefit from it.

Then, suddenly, Jimin elbowed Tae, and gave him a wink. After Jimin did that, Tae suddenly blushed. What? What just happened? Why is Tae-hyung blushing? Is it because of Jimin's wink?

"Ok, fine, I'll stay and help hyung instead." Tae answered as he headed to the kitchen to join Jin. Jin was smiling like there's no tomorrow. This guy, really, more in love than - .

My trail of thoughts was suddenly cut when Jimin suddenly grabbed my hand and led me outside. Believe me or not, I tried to break free from his grasp, but I don't know if I was weakened by his touch, or he was just really that strong, which isn't really impossible with that chiseled body of his. Just held my hand and walked to the front door and before he went outside, he bid Jin and Tae goodbye.

"Ok! Now let's go and jog!" Jimin said as he began jogging in the streets, while I just stood there, still overwhelmed by the feeling of being touched by Jimin. Did he just... touch  me? Did he just hold my hand? Why would he do that? He could've just told me to go outside... he didn't really have to drag me. Why thinking about all that, I felt my face heating up. I can already tell that my face is beginning to turn red again. I am just feeling like I'm on cloud nine right now, because there's just so much happiness in my life.

"Yah! Jungkook!  Are you going to jog or not?" Jimin shouted to get my attention. I only smiled at him as I followed him to jog.

As usual, we just jogged for a few minutes, then we headed to the cliff where we watched the sunrise.

"Jungkook, do you know that they said that during these times in the year, the sunrise is very beautiful?" Jimin asked to me while we sat there, waiting for the sunrise to shine.

"Really? I'm flattered that you wanted to see it with me." I  replied. Wait... what did I just say?

Jimin looked at me and smiled before he faced the horizon again to see the sunrise. He's right. It was really more beautiful this morning than the other mornings that we used to watch it. I looked at Jimin, who was staring happily at the horizon, amazed by how stunning the sunrise is.

"Wow! It's so... beautiful." Jimin muttered as he gave the sun one of his bright smiles. I don't know what happened to me, but I found myself scooting over closer to Jimin.

"Hyung, if the sunrise could talk, he'd probably say that your smile is just as beautiful as this sunrise." I said to his ear softly. Woah! Jungkook, where did you get the courage to say that?!

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