Chapter 22: Cold Shoulders

Start from the beginning

"Yah! What so funny? Do you find the situation I am in right now funny?" I asked.

"No. I'm sorry, Tae. I just find your behavior amusing." Jimin answered.

"What do mean?" I asked.

"You really are very childish about things. You are panicking about Jungkook and Jin-hyung not paying attention to you? You're funny, Tae!" Jimin said as he laughed at me. How dare you.

"Hyung! I am not panicking! I am just thinking about why they would act like that towards me!" I said to Jimin. I was unable to control myself that I hit Jimin's shoulder hard.

"Ouch! Tae! That hurts!" Jimin blurted out when I hit him. I think it was loud enough for the whole room to hear it. Jungkook heard it, and he went to Jimin and me.

"Yah! Tae-hyung! Why you do that to Jimin-hyung?!" Jungkook asked. "You should apologize to him!" He continued.

"Oh... Sorry. Is our maknae concerned about Jimin-hyung? Maybe you should give him a shoulder massage to ease the pain." I said to Jungkook. I knew what his reaction would be.

"U-uhmm... I think I need to go to the rest room." Jungkook said as he tried to cover his already red face and ran to the rest room. I knew it. Teasing him about Jimin would make him go away.

"Yah. Tae, what was that about?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know... But isn't Jungkook cute when he's shy like that?" I asked him.

"Yeah. He's actually already cute, but he becomes even cuter when he is very vulnerable or shy." Jimin answered. My eyes widened with I just heard. Is Jimin-hyung starting to like Jungkook again?

"Actually, he's also cute like that when he's asleep." Jimin continued.

"Y-you mean you watched him sleeping?" I asked. I was getting excited already.

"Yes... I wat – OF COURSE NOT! Why would I watch him?" Jimin said.Bingo. Jimin is watching Jungkook sleep. I have so many things to say to Jungkook when he needs some boost.

I was about to bug Jimin more for it when the choreographer announce that we are going to start practicing again. I looked at the mirror, and saw Jin. For some reason, he was also looking right at me. We locked gazes for a few seconds before he turned to practice. Aish...

I felt hand on my shoulders. "Tae, just concentrate on the practice for now. We can talk about that later." Jimin said. I nodded and continued to practice.

Fortunately, I was able to put for attention on the rehearsals. I wasn't that distraught anymore. I wasn't in my best as well, but I am surely better that the way I was I few moments ago, before Jimin and I talked.

The rehearsal ended at around 6 pm. When we got back to our house, Jin immediately went to our room to shower, while I went to the living room to wait for him to finish. Jimin also did the same. Both of us sat in the living room, waiting for our rooms mates to finish their businesses. All of felt so tired, so Jimin and I didn't talk for the mean time. We needed to rest.

When Jin got out of our room, I left Jimin on the sofa, and went to our room to shower as well. I found the cold water quite comforting, so it took me a while before I actually started cleaning myself. I just stood there under the shower head for around 15 minutes, feeling that cold water as is trickled down my body. When I finished showering, I went out to see Jimin already in the living room in new clothes. Did I really take that long to shower?

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