Chapter 30 "You're looking great!"

Comincia dall'inizio

“You know, you did great today Alex, I’m really proud of you. After this movie is out, we’re going to have to take a nice long vacation.” He said seriously. I smiled and nodded. A vacation would be great.

I left Aveena with my mom for two hours so Sam and I could have a little fun and get ready for dinner. Justin wants to introduce his girlfriend Kylie to us today.

“I can’t believe He’s already 16. It feels like it was yesterday that he walked in on us when we started secretly dating and threatened us with his high pre-pubescent voice,” Sam said before laughing.

Justin turned 14 during the first few days. He never liked parties back then so we would just buy him something that he wanted and wish him a happy birthday.

“Yeah, and now he has a deep voice and protects us instead. It’s so weird how things happen.” I said back. Both Sam and I looked at Aveena and smiled.

Just a bit more than one and a half years ago, Sam and I were just best friends. Sure, we were in love with each other but we never expected to date for a year secretly.

I never thought that we would get married so soon and have a baby less than a year later. Although the sad incident with those criminals happened, we still came out gaining a lot.


Sam’s P.O.V



Kylie is great. She seems to really like Justin and he has that same sparkle in his eyes when he looks at her that I had and still have when I look at Alex.

I had just finished eating my chicken when I noticed Sarah and Mike whispering to each other. That’s weird.

“What are you guys being so secretive about?” Alex asked them as if she read my mind.

Mike looked a bit scared before he gulped and stood up.

“Actually, since Justin introduced us to his girlfriend today I thought I would too.” Mike spoke. Sarah gave him a look before also standing up.

“I know you probably didn’t see this coming but Sarah and I are together. We have been for a long while now.” He said while smiling at her.

“That’s great!” Jason said as he got up to congratulate them.

“Oh, and there’s one more thing I have to tell you all.” Mike said a bit more serious. We looked at him before Emma told him to go on. Instead, Sarah spoke up.

“I’m 5 months pregnant.” She said before everyone, including myself, got up and ran towards her to hug her and bombard her with questions.

After everyone calmed down, Alex and I decided to go for a little walk in the backfield with Aveena in her stroller and the dogs running around. Yes, dogs.

We ended up adopting a Yorkshire terrier at the pound when Alex went around to promote the movie. We met one of the dogs and fell in love with him. We adopted him the same day and called him Scruffy.

“We have to bring them to the vet on Saturday. Do you think that they will end up having babies?” I asked Alex. She smiled and picked up Nutella.

“I really think so. They are going to have the cutest puppies ever.”


“You did it Sam!” Cleo and Alex screamed after the bell rang. I finally finished filming all of my scenes. Not that there were many anyways but it took longer than we thought it would. Three weeks.

“I couldn’t have done it without you girls though,” I said while exposing my cheeks to both of them. They exchanged glances and both smacked me lightly on each cheek.

“Of course you could not have. Without us there would not be a movie,” Cleo said mid laughter before walking off.

“She has it out for me,” I muttered which caused Alex to laugh and tell me that I’m delusional.

“I can’t wait until the movie’s done and everything can get back to normal. Then we’ll finally get a chance to see us singing to each other in the movie,” Alex said and then pecked me on the lips.”

“Me neither,” I replied and drove ourselves home.

Sorry that this chapter is sucky. I’m just trying to wrap everything up quickly so the last few chapters are going to be like this. Love you all :D

Love UnexpectedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora