Chapter 15: A Brand New Heart

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"It seems that Mr. Park Jimin has incurred a condition called selective amnesia." The doctor started. The members started murmuring with each other.

"Doc, what's selective amnesia?" Hoseok asked.

"In selective amnesia, the patient will experience forgetting some of his or her memories, just like how ordinary amnesia works. The difference is, he or she will only forget memories related to a certain thing, event, or person – in the patient's case, he forgot about Jungkook." The doctor explained. All the members looked depressed but enlightened.

"But doc, why would he forget about Jungkook, but not us?" Namjoon asked.

The doctor thought for a moment before starting to explain again. "There are only two reasons as to why a person would incur selective amnesia. The first one is that the person himself wants to forget whatever he or she forgot. This means that is the first reason holds true for Mr. Park, it means that he wants to forget Jungkook." The doctor explained. The members looked at each other upon hearing the doctor's explanation. They were thinking about the same thing – Jimin may have wanted to forget about Jungkook.

"How about the second possible reason?" Jimin asked. The members all looked shocked when they heard Jimin talk. It is only then they realized Jimin was also listening.

"Well, Mr. Park, the second possible reason is that during the time of the accident, you may be thinking if Jungkook. Before the car hit you, your mind might be focused on a memory of Jungkook, that when the car hit you, the memories of him, and only him, were erased." The doctor explained.

"Why would I want to forget about Jungkook? And why would I be thinking about him during the time of the accident." Jimin asked. The members, especially Tae, swallowed hard when they heard Jimin's question.

"That I don't know. But you can still regain the memories, though." The doctor explained.

"How?" Tae asked, even before Jimin opened his mouth only to ask the same question. The other members are still dumbfounded.

"If the patient is exposed to things that represent certain events strongly, he or she might be able to remember eventually. For example, if Mr. Park had a memory of eating cheesecake with Jungkook, he might be able to remember some parts of his lost memory when he is exposed to the same scenario. Or if the event is retold in vivid details, it might also help regain the memories. The most effective way to make the memories come back is using emotional attachments. If certain events are linked to strong emotions, it will be easier for the patient to remember." The doctor explained. The members sat down in silence, still trying to absorb the situation.

The doctor prepared to leave the room. Before exiting he talked to the group for the last time. "Mr. Park may be discharged tomorrow, or anytime he may want to. It seems that he is quickly recovering. Take care." The doctor said.

"Thanks Doc, for all your help." Namjoon said just before the door closed.

"So... what do we do now?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook rushed to the rooftop of the big hospital. "Why is he doing this to me? Is he really that mad? Does he really want to forget about me?" Jungkook asked to himself while running to climb the stairs to the rooftop. He was crying hard.  His eyes are flooded with tears, that he can't see clearly the people that he runs past. Once he got to the rooftop, he headed to a corner, and collapsed both from the exhaustion and the overwhelming emotions he is feeling right now.

"What happened? I didn't expect it to be like this!" Jungkook said himself while crying hard. "Jungkook, wake up! You're just dreaming! Wake up from this nightmare!" Jungkook tried to convince himself that he was just dreaming. He tried slapping himself, pinching his arms, and even grabbing his own hair to wake himself up, but nothing happened. He was still in the rooftop, crying.

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