"Me neither, I guess that is the problem!" I turned around and looked into the building, just at the right time. I saw a shadowy creature holding his arm into mine and Peter's direction.

"Look out!", I quickly shouted at Peter, but it was too late for him, the creature made the window explode and we fell.

We smashed onto the hard roof of another building and two creatures landed onto us. As soon as my eyes allowed it, I recognized Thundra on Peter, Klaw on me and the Wizard flying above our heads.

"GET DOWN, BUG!", Tundra shouted, as Peter tried to get up. He looked for me and saw Klaw aswell.

"Thundra? Klaw?", he asked, still irritated.

That moment the Wizard landed between me and Peter.

"And the Wizard. Round too, Spiderman, and you two lose.", he said with a devilish smile.

"It wasn't enough we kicked your butt in front of school kids?", Peter asked, challenging. "This time, a whole city is going to watch."

Oh damn it, Peter! We already lay on the ground! Don't make this any harder than it already is!, I thought.

"You overestimate your chances. Even if there's a lack of one member, there's still 3 of us against the two of you.", the Wizard said, while throwing two pads at us, one at me, one at Peter.

Then Thundra and Klaw let go of us and we floated upwards.

Klaw immediately shot waves at me and I had no way to escape. My screaming was terrible.

"NO!", Peter shouted.

"Don't worry, you're next!", Thundra smiled, grabbed his feet and threw him against a stone wall.

The Wizard gave Klaw a sign to stop torturing me.

When Peter got up he tried to shoot webs, but they only fell onto the ground.

"Your webs are caught in the same anti-gravity field that you are caught in.", the Wizard explained slowly.

"This stuff isn't cheap, you know!", Peter said reproachfully.

"Klaw?", the Wizard said, and Klaw shot Peter shortly. Then the Wizard said "My turn.", smiled and shot Peter with same violet laser lights.

I felt like they had totally forgotten me. I tried to get rid of the pad, but it was stuck. Then I tried to get near the Wizard, to kick him, but I just couldn't move.

Klaw asked "Is he done?", and I looked up. Peter was hanging in the air, unconscious. No, I knew better.

The Wizard took some steps towards Peter, being stuck in the air, arms, legs and head hanging down. What a good actor.

The Wizard grabbed Peter's chin and held it up. "Good. Really good. Less trouble for us and our plan."

Not more than one second passed by and Pete looked up.

"We're not done yet.", he said, kicked the Wizard into my direction and I kicked him into the wall. He groaned and fell to the floor.

"I liked you better unconscious!", Thundra shouted, picked up a big, heavy piece of stone and threw it into mine and Peter's direction.

A second before it hit us, Powerman, one of the newbies, jumped in front of us and kicked the stone to Thundra, who landed next to the Wizard, in the wall.

Next I saw the girl, White Tiger, running towards me, using claws to remove Peter's pad and mine.

"What are you doing here? We had this under control!", Peter shouted angrily.

"Yeah, except for the part where you didn't!", she said.

That second Klaw shot her and she fell.

Thundra was awake again and kicked Powerman into the wall. He turned around to grab a canister of water and threw it at her. A wave took her with itself and she fell off the building.

I quickly jumped after her, earning an irritated look from Powerman, shot a web at her and attached it onto a lamp post on the roof, so that she couldn't escape. At the same time I shot the canister that nearly hit a crowd of people that had been watching us.

I looked at Thundra, who was all wet, and shouted "Stay there, okay?", since she had not really any other options, I laughed and saw her turn red from anger.

She screamed and shouted "You miserable, little -", but before she could finish her sentence I shot her mouth.

"Nah-ah. Be careful of your language! Kids are watching." And then I got up again to help the others.

Just as I got up, I saw that the Wizard had thrown a pad at Powerman and made him fall off the building.

Bucket head shot the pad and I quickly helped Powerman up again.

"Thanks, girl. That was a close call. I owe you somethin'.", Powerman said and smiled at me.

I smiled back. „No problem."

Nova handled the Wizard and Powerman and I looked for Klaw. Peter arrived too, and we found Klaw fighting White Tiger.

"So people say, you're a tough guy, Klaw? I think, you're just a lot of noise!", she said, but she didn't pay attention for a second and Klaw turned around and kicked her over the rim.

Luckily Peter and I caught her in time. She looked angrily at Peter and shouted "Let go, I can save myself!"

I looked at her, smiling. "Yeah, except for the part, where you didn't."

We took her back to other newbies, while Klaw helped the Wizard up and freed Thundra from the webs.

Peter quickly explained our technique.

"And always remember the superhero rule number one.", he said, pointing at the people standing all around the building. "We can defend ourselves, they can't."

Then Peter and I knocked the Wizard out, Powerman and Iron Fist k.o.-ed Klaw and destroyed his device, while White Tiger and Bucked Head got rid of Thundra.

As they were all captured, Peter and I followed the newbies to the helicarrier and after a long discussion with Fury, Coulson, the team and Peter and me...

"Okay Nick, we'll join your little junior club, but we still operate solo as Spiderman and Spiderwoman. It's our version of me-time."

"Agreed.", Fury said and then he shook our hands.

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