Chapter 14

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Thank you guy so much for 1.1k like holy moly mother of Pete Wentz. Thank y'all so much for voting, commenting and all that.

I am also currently watching Dan live on YouNow AND HE NOTICED ME OH MY GOD I'M CRYING I SCREENSHOTTED THE PERFECT MOMENT I WILL PUT IT UP THERE ^^^^. He's such an awkward meme :)


I hope you all know that I put black, shiny fake nails on earlier and while writing this I BROKE THREE OF THEM. I LOVE YOU THAT MUCH THAT I'D BRAKE MY BABIES. Wait... Drake... heh... drake my babies. I'M IN A MEME-Y MOOD!

And now it's Sunday and I'm watching Phil's live show... I take agesss to update!!! 

And now it's god damn Thursday, I took over a week to bloody update! SORRY I GIVE YOU ALL HUGS TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER. *hugs*

also if you havent guessed i have a small obsession with Pete Wentz, that's why i say it a lot just to clarify :)


Adopted By Phan

Chapter 14 (I got it right this time!)

Summer's P.O.V 

I woke to my alarm blaring through my ears, back at school today, the thing I was most dreading.

I looked at my phone after I turned off my alarm. 6:00 AM. I really hated mornings.

I clambered out of me bed, groaning. Still half asleep, I walked into the kitchen, avoiding the glass door for once.

'Morning Darling!' Phil said chirply, making me jump.

'Why are you up this early?' I asked rubbing my brow line.

'I wanted to see you off to school, Dan should be coming in a minute, you know how he is,' He handed me a plate of pancakes with fruit and golden syrup.

'Thanks Philly,'

I took the plate and sat in the green chair at the table.

'Bow down peasants, your lord and saviour is awake!' Dan shouted walking in then stopping in his tracks when he sees me and Phil eating pancakes.

'Pancakes? WITHOUT MWA?' He shouted.

'They're in the kitchen,' Phil rolled his eyes, laughing.

'Thanks babe,' He went over and pecked Phil's lips while I fangirled in my chair making a gurgling sound.

'You alright Sum?' he asked.

'I have been a Phan shipper since 2009, what do you expect me to do when you kiss?' I laughed before running into my room to get ready.

Rem was waiting for me outside the gates.

'Hey babe!' He shouted as he saw me 'I love your hair, girl you're fabulous!'

It caused people to look at me but I laughed and intertwined our fingers, pecking his cheek quickly.

'You missed,' He said, stopping us


'You missed,' He grabbed my waist and kissed me lovingly.

'So, as it's your birthday tomorrow,' Oh, I completely forgot about that 'How about we go out tonight,'

'I'll have to ask Dan and Phil but they should probably say yes, well Phil will,'

'I forgot you got adopted by Dan and Phil,' 

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