Chapter 43: The Uchiha Siblings [Naruto]

Start from the beginning

“Alright Shikamaru your turn truth or dare.” Oh yeah and Ino suggested that we play a harmless game in the meantime while we waited for them to come back.

“Man this is troublesome, I’ll go with truth it means I won’t have to get up.” I held back a laugh as rolled to my stomach nearly bumping into Sakura who was lying next to me. Ino was laying a few feet in front of Shikamaru and Choji with a bag of chips beside her. On my other side was Neji, beside him Hinata then Kiba, Jazmine and Shino had previously been beside her. Lee lay on the other side of Sakura and finally beside him the Tenten. Like I said, everyone was here.

“Fine, have you had your first kiss and if so where and with who.” I smiled slightly and Shikamaru glanced at me before sighing.

“Yes, with Rin when we were five and on the dock outside the Uchiha compound.”

“When you were five?” He nodded and I couldn’t help but giggle as a blush crept across his face.

“Hey we were kids and we were curious besides by that age my father was already considering suitors for me.” Ino looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

“What?” I shrugged.

“It’s not uncommon in big clans. When it got out that a girl was born to the head family other clans began bringing their sons to the compound in hopes of being promised the Uchiha Princess when I came of age.”

“So you could have had an arranged marriage?” I nodded.

“Most likely someone from the leaf my father had considered many Kakashi being one of them since he held the Sharingan.” Ino nodded.

“Would you have been allowed to marry Shikamaru if you had fallen in love with him?”

“My father may not have been too happy about it, but he’d give in. Though there was only one time that I remember that I had been extremely close into being promised to someone.”

“Really, who was it?” I smiled slightly as I glanced down at Neji and he sighed as he rolled his side and sat up slightly.

“Me.” I noticed Ino’s expression change and her eyes go wide.

“You were almost promised to Neji!?” Nearly everyone shouted at once and I burst out laughing at their disbelief as I sat up and crossed my legs.

“Yeah, I had met Neji when I was three years old and he was five. Two of Konoha’s most powerful clans joined by marriage. Hinata’s father and mine thought it was a great idea.”

“Then what happened?” Neji sighed leaning back on his hands.

“The whole ordeal took a long time since Rin had been kidnapped, it was after she was saved that things changed.”

“Why?” I noticed Neji smirk slightly as he shook his head.

“The Uchiha Princess over there surpassed all expectations and developed the Sharingan.”

“And what’s so bad about that?” I sighed lightly.

“We’ll when an arranged marriage is planned there are many aspects looked at. We would have grown up together from then on, become close so that in the future we’d want to marry and as all this is happening other things are being discussed as well. Such as what age will the marriage take place, what should happen if one of us strayed from the other but above all our future children.” I explained.

“Your children?” Neji nodded.

“No one expected Rin to develop the Sharingan so it would have been obvious that our children would have received the Byakugan from me. When her father had told us that she had then started the argument of what was stronger, what was better and all that so eventually the entire arrangement fell apart and was called off.” I noticed Ino’s frown and she shook her head.

“So you’re almost arranged marriage never happened because Rin developed the Sharingan.” Neji shrugged and I nodded.

“Yeah pretty much.”

“That’s stupid.” I giggled slightly.

“I guess but it also saved a lot of trouble.”


“I was the little Uchiha rebel, even my cousins realized I wouldn’t marry within the clan or someone my father chose. By the time I was five and I had decided on two people I would want to marry.”

“Who?” I smiled slightly and glanced at Shikamaru.

“Shikamaru or Kakashi.” I noticed the slight smile tug at his lips as I lay back down and looked up at the night sky.

“Don’t take it personal though Neji, I just had a habit of going against my father’s wishes.” I noticed him smile slightly as laid back down.

“That’s alright you’ll be with who you’re destined to be” I rolled my eyes slightly, always him and destiny talk. 

“Sorry we took so long it was hard finding a place that would sell us fireworks!” I sat up on my elbows grinning slightly when Kiba, Akamaru, Jazmine and Shino walked towards us with bags full of fireworks.

“But we got tons thanks so Shino, apparently he looks more responsible than me.”

“Sorry to break it to you Kiba but he is.”

“Oh shut up Rin.” I giggled slightly as they dropped the bags and began sorting through them. I took Neji’s hand when he offered it and pulled me to my feet.

“This is reckless” I grinned.

“Ah not reckless Neji, stupid” He rolled his eyes as I turned to everyone.

“Oh yeah if they send some chunin or Jounin to check out the commotion then we run to my apartment!” I shouted earning Okays and agreement from everyone else.

“Rin could we get a fire jutsu over here.” I nodded only to have two hands catch each of my wrists. I sighed glancing at Sakura and Shikamaru.

“Guys seriously it’s just a simple fire jutsu” I noticed Shikamaru frown slightly but released my wrist and Sakura followed as I walked to Kiba who had just finished setting up a few sticks and stones.

“Ready?” He nodded and I did quick hand signs.

“Ninja art fire style, fireball jutsu” I made sure to lessen the charka so the fireball came out smaller only lit the area within the stones.

“Thanks Rin” I nodded at Kiba and took a step back as he swiftly took a twig from the flames and used the tip to light one of the fireworks. Hinata, Tenten, Sakura and Ino already breaking out the sparklers. I took a step back once the first explosion went off and looked to the dark sky as colourful streaks of light danced across it. Part of me wished Sasuke and Naruto were here to enjoy this day too. I sighed lightly and walked to Jazmine who was holding Akamaru in her arms.  

“Hey I’m going to head to the hospital okay?” Her blue eyes glanced to me and Akamaru followed her gaze.

“Did you want me to come?” I shook my head and gave her a small smile.

“No, I won’t be long” She nodded smiling slightly.

“They’re both going to be alright you know. Sasuke would never leave you like that and I’m sure Kakashi sensei can’t wait to see your face again.” I nodded slightly giving her a small smile before walking off towards the hospital. I knew they were going to be okay but it helped to see that they were still alive.

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