From Lover To Foe

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Ahsoka spun around, her two weapons turning to streaks of light. Her enemy dodged her blows and when she used her moment of inertia for a low kick to his knees he simply caught her leg with one hand and send her sprawling in the snow.

Ahsoka rolled backwards and came back to her feet in a low crouch, ready to lunge.

Then she thought better of it and stood up at her full height and returned her shoto to her belt. What had Maxwell said? Be adaptable and seeing as her enemy wasn't overly impressed with her display of speed she would need to fight this out the old fashioned way.....for now at least.

She turned to face him with the left side of her body to minimize the area she exposed and held her weapon out in a perfectly horizontal line. Ahsoka would need to make use of the additional training Maxwell had given her and decide this battle through superior tactics and control over her own body and weapon.

Her hooded foe raised his weapon, obviously waiting for her to make the first move. For a moment Ahsoka considered disengaging to try to find Maxwell but decided to stay put. A retreat would put her on the defensive.

Ahsoka moved her right foot forward, keeping her weight on the left one. Her body turned around and she swung her weapon in a well calculated, two handed blow.
Her foe cleanly deflected her blow and stepped backwards, the tip of his glowing red blade angled down.

Ahsoka moved into a Shii-Cho stance and then stepped forward and engaged her enemy, opening up with two high , down angled blows both of which were parried followed by a stab aimed center mass. Her ever so silent enemy sidestepped and countered by slashing at her light saber's tip, nearly disarming her.

Ahsoka danced back slightly confused. A dark Jedi or Sith using Form one?

She promptly changed tactics. After taking another step back Ahsoka let her cloak drop to the floor and also pulled off the scarfs and goggles.
The physical strain from combat would keep her warm and if needed she could also rely on the force. She needed the maneuverability.

Ahsoka moved into a Makashie stance, her front leg angled slightly out while her back leg remained straight.

Ahsoka held her weapon low, the blade pointing diagonally upwards. She didn't have much experience in Makashie, Maxwell having only had the time to teach her the basics but it would have to do.

No one moved for a moment but then her opponent stepped forward and struck a downwards blow. Ahsoka moved forwards into the blow and simultaneously pirouetting of to the left letting her foe's blade slash through empty air. Using the momentum she already had Ahsoka brought her blade in a glowing green ark only to be parried. The move would have caught most Padawans of guard but apparently, her foe wasn't an armature.

Ahsoka stopped her right spin and made a step left, putting some distance between herself and her foe and also giving herself space to maneuver. Without coming to a standstill Ahsoka twisted left and swung her weapon in a low arc.

By the time she had turned far enough and ended the turn by stepping forwards, past her unusually static enemy her weapon came up in a deadly glowing arc.

Her enemy didn't move and for a moment Ahsoka thought she had ended the battle until her weapon passed only harmlessly through the air.
She instinctively let her right knees give away and fell away sideways just in time to escape a force push.

Ahsoka turned her weapon off and rolled. When she came up again in a low crouch she turned her weapon back on, this time in reversed grip form.

Her enemy stood there motionless and in a ready position. For someone who followed the dark side, her foe was unusually un-aggressive. Still, she could feel the emotions. The cold anger.

StarWars: Renegades -In The Name Of The FallenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz