Chapter 7: Facade

Start from the beginning

"Oh, good morning Tae. Sorry for waking up late." He replied in a sleepy tone. Somehow, there's more to his tone than being sleepy.

"Follow me downstairs." I said to him while grabbing his wrist to pull him downstairs.

"It's ok, Tae. I'll be there in a minute." He said to me while easily breaking free from my grasp.

"Ok, hyung." I said to him as I went downstairs. There's definitely something going on.

After about a minute, I saw Jimin walking towards the table. He was just in time before we actually start eating. He looked at me before taking his seat and smiled with his usual smile that makes his eyes disappear. Despite that smile, I still see something else behind it. It was quite easy to tell, especially for me for I was Jimin's best friend since training days.

The usual meal routine of Jimin went on. He put food in Jungkook's bowl first, then putting food in his before Yoongi gets everything. Jin, of course, he's very much like a mother. He just waited for the others to get their food. Afterwards, he took his food from what was left behind. Sometimes, I even pity him for having to be very considerate for us.

The breakfast ended a few moments later. Afterwards, Jimin went to help Jin in washing the utensils used during the preparation of the food and eating. Jimin really seemed happy and in a good mood today, but I still feel like something is up with him. Whatever that was, he'll surely tell me when he's ready. I think I'll just have to wait.

Then I went to the living room to watch TV with the other members. They were watching the morning news, which was unusual, because whenever we get free time, we do a movie marathon. Today, they are watching morning news. How funny.

A few moments later, Jimin entered the living room with Jin.

"Wow, you guys actually watching the news, huh? Well, that's new!" Jimin chuckled, making the other members, who were busy in their own ways, stop and look at Jimin for a short amount of time before bursting to laughter. After cracking the joke, Jimin took his spot beside me.

"Hi, hyung. Are you alright?" I asked him, trying to make my question sound like a normal ice-breaker.

"Why, of course I am!" He answered with much enthusiasm. Actually a little bit too much for it to become believable.

"Ok, hyung. But please, let me know if something is bothering you." I said to him. This time, I didn't bother trying to hide my concern.

"Sure, Tae!" Jimin said.

Today is a vacation for everyone. This may be the case, but Jin decided that we should clean the whole house today. Actually, Jin was outnumbered, because I, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Namjoon do not want to clean the house. Since Jin really becomes scary and intimidating when it comes to things like this, we were forced to help him clean the house. First stop is Namjoon's room. His room is like trash! Clothes everywhere, papers scattered around the room, bed sheets not fixed. Cleaning his room took hours. I really got tired after running around the house when Jin asked me to get this, throw that, wash this, dry that.

I was about to go to my room with Jin to have a rest when Jin stopped me.

"Hey, Taehyung. Don't go in there yet. We are going to clean that room right now." Jin said.

"Are you already done with Namjoon-hyung's room? Why don't you go to Jimin-hyung's room first? How about Yoongi-hyung's?" I asked him, trying not to sound as irritated as I am right now.

"Yes, no and no. See Tae, why don't you go rest in the living room?" Jin answered. His suggestion made so much sense, but I don't want to admit it.

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