Chapter 2: How it all started part 2

Start from the beginning

"Kamsahamnida!" Jungkook said to the judges as he prepares to leave. I will go to America! I will train to become an idol! Jungkook shouted to himself when he was finally out of the building. He went home, and rested before he prepared his things, as he will be boarding the plane to America next week.

Jimin's POV:

It's been a week since that day. It's been a week since I felt very appreciated and happy and excited and nervous all at the same time. It's been a week since I last saw that stranger.

Never mind. Today is a very special day. My training will start in an hour, so I better get ready.

Today, I decided to walk to the studio. This will help me, you know, stay fit and increase my stamina. I'm going to need all of my endurance for the next days, or weeks, or even months, while I'm still training.

It did not take long before I regret my decision. Today's weather just seemed too hot for a long walk. But hell I care. I already walked more than half of the way. Just another half will not hurt me.

By the time I reached the big building, my hair was already plastered to my face. I was breathing heavily, panting to be exact. I'm nearly out of breath. Looking at my watch, I knew I do not have time to rest. The training is about to start any moment now. Without even catching my breath, I hurriedly walked to the floor where the dance studio was.

I was surprised when I opened the door. There are many people inside the room! I thought the judges were strict? So all these people made it, just like me? I suddenly forgot the feeling of being special and talented. I'm surrounded by people talking to each other, making friends as early as this stage. I continued scanning the room when someone approached me.

"Are you also a trainee?" the stranger asked.

"Mmmm." was all I managed to say, but I guess he got my answer, because I nodded to him when I answered.

"Oh, then, we will see each other more often! Hope we can be friends!" the stranger answered as he smiled. His smile is very cute. I don't even know how he managed to show both rows of his teeth when he did that. I found his smile very friendly that I didn't even notice his hand reaching out for a shake.

"I hope so, too! By the way, may name is Park Jimin, but you can call me Jimin." I said to him as a reached for his hand to give him a hand shake.

"And my name is Kim Taehyung, but you can call me Taehyung, or Tae, or TaeTae, or blank Tae or..." he continued talking. He enumerated all the ways that I can call him. I found very amusing and fun to be with. And wait, he's not yet done talking?

"...or AlienTae, because you know, people often say that - "

"I think I'll go with Tae." I said to him, cutting his endless speech. He stopped talking, and then gave me a smile.

"Ok trainees! Welcome to your first day in BigHit Entertainment!" the instructor said through the mic. I suddenly felt nervous when I heard his voice. I, Tae, and the other trainees stopped whatever we were doing and sat down on the wooden floor. That the time when I got the chance to look at all the trainees inside the room. Different people. That was all that entered my mind when I started scanning the room. I kept scanning the room until I was sure he wasn't here. I felt a bit disappointed, and I already felt my lips curving to a pout. Maybe what I thought was correct. Maybe he wasn't as good as me, or the other people inside the room. Maybe he didn't make it through the audi—

"Sorry I'm late! The flight was delayed. I am really sorry..." I was shocked when my trail of thoughts was cut by the sudden shout that came from the entrance. The voice sounds familiar. I slowly turned my head to the source of the sound. Tall figure. Spikey hair. Beautiful, cute eyes. The memory of last week suddenly flashed in my mind.

"It's him!" I said I elbowed Tae, who was sitting beside me.

"Who's him?" Tae answered with a stronger hit from his elbow, unintentionally hitting harder that he intended to.

"It's alright. We were informed that your flight was delayed, so we took note of it. Please take you seat among the other trainees." the instructor said to the stranger. The stranger then sat down a few steps away from us.

"Ok! We'll start the training NOW!" the instructor screamed, earning a cheer of excitement from everyone. Tae even jumped up and started dancing like an idiot. Now I get it why he was actually called AlienTae by some.

"So, you also auditioned that day, huh?" the stranger asked while he put his hand on my shoulder. I was wearing a sleeveless shirt, so I actually felt his hand. I almost jumped both in surprise and embarrassment.

"Y-yeah. I-I also thought you were going to the auditions when you hurried left me." I answered awkwardly. What the hell Jimin, why are you stuttering?

"Yah, sorry about that. By the way, my name is Jeon Jungkook, but you can call me Jungkook." Cute name. Suits your appearance. Wait Jimin what? Stop thinking about those things. "I'm Park Jimin but you can call me Jimin. It's nice to meet you." I answered.

"Hi ChimChim! Oh, who's this person?! Introduce me to him, please?" Tae suddenly slid between Jungkook and me.

This alien though.

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