"I need you to take me back. I can't stay here anymore, just please let me move back in!"

"Hey now, slow down. What happened?"

"Can you please just come get me?"

"I have a feeling that you two got in a fight. Would you mind telling me what went on?" She questioned.

"I snuck out last night to see a friend. She saw that I wasn't in my bed, and then tracked me down to the hospital where Kellin's at. He woke up, and I was finally getting to talk to him, and then she makes me leave. When we got home she was yelling at me about how I need to change, and I... Aunt Christa, this is so hard.." My eyes began to tear up, I missed my aunt so much.

"Maybe your mother is just trying to help you."

"No, I can't let her do that, she is going to leave me again!"

"Darling, she is trying to make a fresh start with you. You should forgive what is in the past, and try to move on from it."

"I- I just can't. How do I know she won't do it again?" I asked.

"People make mistakes, now she is just trying to mend what she broke." She breathed.

"She's not doing doing a very good job! I just need to come back to you."

"Honey, you can't give up this easily, that's not how it works."

"I- I gotta go." I lied.

"Okay sweetie. Love you!"

"Love you too.." I mumbled. Of course, no one was on my side. The only person who was ever there for me was Kellin, and because of my mother I can't even have him. Why did she always take away everything that's important to me?

But maybe Aunt Christa is right, I should forgive her.

Then again, who knows how long she will actually seem to care.



I sat there on the couch, hugging my knees, thinking about everything that I've done wrong. The door opened behind me to Brian's smiling face.

"Hey Megs." He grinned, setting his stuff down and pulling off his shoes.

"Hey.." I gave a half smile.

"What's wrong?" He came and sat next to me, wrapping his arms around my tired body.

"She doesn't want to live with us anymore, it's my fault, it always has been."

"Don't blame everything on yourself, you have got to take a big breathe and not let her get away."

"I know." I took a deep breathe.

"I know what will get your mind off of all this, come on." He helped me up, and pulled me into the kitchen. "Let's make something good for dinner." He opened the pantry door, looking for anything that stood out.

"Chicken parmesan?" I asked.

"That's perfect!" He chimed, having an extra glow about him. Brian started to hum a familiar tune, "Sing with me." I giggled.

"Fine." I winked.

Brian started, "I started for the wine"


The wine!


The wine!

We were shopping for a bottle to bring to her cousin's soiree.

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