Chapter Ninety-Six

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"You sound like Carter now stop."

"She feels guilty about this?" I ask her worriedly.

Katniss shakes her head, "Some things happened last night that made her feel that way on top of everything else. Blake left. He dropped both girls off on the doorstep and left. He had told Carter he didn't love her and it was her fault he was leaving.

I feel my heart race faster and I narrow my eyes at the ground, "I'm gonna kill him."

"No, you're gonna leave him alone and worry about your leg."

"My leg will be fine but Carter's feelings won't."

"I already assured her none of this was her fault, none of it."

"I know." I sigh.

She sits on the side of my bed and puts her hand on my chest, looking me right in the eyes for the longest time.

"What?" I ask her softly.

"I just hate seeing you like this, that's all." She shakes her head.

I sigh, "I will be alright."

"I know but what other bad things are going to happen? I thought that it couldn't get worse than it was when they told us about Rye last week and then this happens to you and then the whole thing with Bristol and Carter." She says frantically.

I frown, rubbing her back gently, "I know it seems bad but you know it could be way way worse."

"Yeah, you could be dead." She pouts.

I put some loose hair behind her ear and rub her cheek with my thumb, "But I am not going anywhere."

She leans her cheek against my hand and frowns.

She needs sleep.

"What if something happens in your surgery?"

"Like what?" I ask.

"Like-like-I don't know just what if something happened?"

"Nothing is going to happen." I argue with her.

She sighs, frustratedly, "I just want you to be safe."

"I'm safe, Katniss. I couldn't be better now that you are here." I say truthfully.

"I-I-I just ugh, I'm so frustrated and my head is spinning-"

"Go get some sleep." I interrupt her.

"But I want to stay with you." She argues.

I sigh, "I would love for you to stay with me but I think you just need to have my grandma take you to the ranch and you and the girls stay in the guest house until we can go home. You all need some good sleep I'm sure."

She frowns, "But Peeta-" Katniss says, her eyes filled with tears.

"My surgery isn't until like 5pm. It's only 9. Go with my grandma and let her fix you something good to eat and you go to bed. You can come back right before I go in." I instruct her.

Katniss pouts her lip, I swear if she wasn't pregnant she wouldn't be this whiney but she is and she's tired which is not a great mix.

"Will you let me stay with you tonight?"

"The girls can't stay in the house alone."

"But Gale came with me so he could watch them or your grandma or Mason?" She argues.

"They need their Aunt Katniss and Willow needs her Mommy. And I highly doubt they would let you stay with me since you're pregnant." I say truthfully.

"Do you even want me to be here?" She snaps.

"Yes, of course I would love for you to be here but the girls need you."

Carter and Carson don't have their mother right now and Willow is gonna be really upset if neither Katniss and I aren't around. And I don't want her up here possibly getting sick.

Katniss groans, crossing her arms over her baby bump.

"Katniss, don't be like that. You know that I love you and I just want you to go take care of our baby girl and Bristol's. And I also want you to quit stressing out so much because it can't be good for Rye."

She shrugs, "I'm sorry, Peeta. I just haven't slept since you left yesterday and I'm emotional."

I laugh a little, "You are a little emotional and I know you haven't done anything but worried so go get some rest. Have Mason or Gale or someone bring you back up here right before and you can see me when I get out."

She stands up and leans down, pressing a kiss to my forehead, "I love you. I will see you soon."

"I love you too." I say as she walks out of the door, leaving me completely alone, even though the voice of my daughter is heard from outside my room.

***Dun dun dunnnnn

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