Chapter Twenty One - Runaway, Baby

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So, I'm a crazy, sarcastic, rude, funny bitch that wants sexual messages from teenage girls.... Damn, that is me.

You guys... This is the end.... The last chapter of Haphephobia.... I'm sad now....

(I feel so clever because of the song choice for this chapter. I'm such a little shit)

(And I just had to use Dean's car for this. I just fucking had to!)

Also, I tried to make this chapter long, but I don't know if I succeeded. Whoops.

❝T̯̿hird Person POV❞

Zayn and Niall had packed a couple of bags, they had also stolen Zayn's parents car(Which was a 67 Impala to be exact) and enough money for about six months. They had planned to leave within the next two days, and they were definitely ready, but their plans were ruined when Zayn's parents showed up on Niall's door step.

Maura opened the door, not even knowing who it was. "Hello-" "Is Zayn here?" Zayn's father cut Maura off. "And who the hell are you?" Maura spat, shutting the door just a bit. "I'm his father. Is he here?" He snapped at Maura, clenching his fists.

"No. He isn't, you piece of shit. Now get the hell off my property before I call the police on your ass!" Maura exclaimed, slamming the door in his face. Zayn and Niall were sitting in the kitchen and had heard the conversation.

"Shit Niall, the car is outside." Zayn hissed, his leg shaking. "We need to go, now." Zayn said, standing up. "Zayn, what's wrong?" Maura asked, walking into the kitchen. "Nothing." Zayn lied before running upstairs.

"Mum, I know this is going to be weird, but Zayn and I are leaving. Well, running away. And we were going to leave tomorrow and I was going to leave a note, but it looks like we have to leave now, seeing as Zayn's parents are here and I'm so sorry." Niall explained, the words rushing out of his mouth.

"I understand, Niall. And here, take this." Maura said, reaching into a cupboard and pulling out a cookie jar. "A cookie jar?" Niall asked, just as Zayn cam back downstairs with their bags. A loud knock at the door made Zayn jump and drop one of the bags.

"Yes, the cookie jar. Now, sneak around the back while I distract that asshole." Maura said, pulling Niall into a hug. "Thanks mummy. I love you." Niall said, hugging Maura back before shoving the cookie jar into a bag, and running, Zayn in front of him.

They ran out the back door and checked over the corner. "The doors are unlocked, so we just have to run fast and hope my dad doesn't see us." Zayn said, his voice cracking. "Right yeah. My mum is pretty good at distracting people, so we have enough time." Niall said, and Zayn was about to run, but Niall stopped him.

"I love you." Niall said, giving Zayn a quick peck. "YOU STUPID BITCH!" Zayn and Niall heard Zayn's father shouting, and then they were running to the car. Everything seemed to happen in seconds. Zayn's father saw them as they were jumping in the car, and Zayn was fumbling with the keys.

Zayn jammed the keys into the ignition, turning the car on and speeding off before his father could even get to them. Zayn didn't do the speed limit until they were miles away from the town, and he was still freaking out.

"Holy shit." Zayn breathed out, Niall agreeing. "We actually did it." Niall mumbled, tossing their bags into the backseat, completely forgetting about the cookie jar. "Yeah, yeah we did." Zayn said, shooting a small smile at Niall. Niall couldn't help but smile, and grab Zayn's hand which was resting against the console, intertwining their fingers.


They had been driving for about seven straight hours, stopping multiple times for gas, and Niall had to stretch, which Zayn found absolutely adorable. "Don't judge me." Niall complained as he stretched on the side of the road.

Haphephobia ♚ BOOK ONE ♚Where stories live. Discover now