Chapter Three - Pumped Up Kicks

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❝ℤayn's POV❞

What the fuck just happened? Did the freak seriously just tell me to fuck off and then run away? Oh hell no. I ignored the teacher telling me to sit down and ran after him. Louis and Harry told me about him, and I wanted to have some fun with Niall.

I walked into the bathroom and shut and locked the door. Some kid told me that Niall would always cry in the bathroom, I think his name was Darren. Not like I care. Niall hadn't noticed I had walked in and was sitting on the floor with his head in his hands.

I let out a small chuckle, Niall's head shooting up to look at me. His eyes widened as he looked at me and he looked so goddamn innocent like that. "G-go away." Niall stuttered, staring at me.

"Nah. I think I'll stay." I smirked and Niall looked like he was about to start screaming. "Just leave me alone." Niall pleaded, hiding behind his hands. "No can do, freak." I said, walking towards him. I grabbed his wrists and pulled him up, slamming him into the wall.

A small squeak left his lips and he shut his eyes. "You are a freak, aren't you? Let me guess, you're gay, too." I said with a smirk. "I-I..." Niall started and trailed off. "So, you're a faggot and a freak. Damn," I said, Niall now shaking.

"If I were you, I would just kill myself already." I said, letting go have Niall and stepping back. He covered his face with his hands and let out a sob. How fucking pathetic. He's crying. "Yeah, just kill yourself and get it over with." I spat before leaving the bathroom.

Sure, I'm a fucking dick, but I like being a dick. It's easier to have people afraid of you. Then they don't try to get into your personal life and all that shit that comes with having friends. Sure, I'm friends with Louis, but Harry's an annoying twat and Liam is, well I don't know how to describe Liam. He's a fucking weird one though. Not as weird as Niall, but there's something off about him.

I didn't bother with going back to class. Sure, I've only been here for two days, but that doesn't mean I'm going to start caring about school.


The next day was much more interesting. I was wearing a shirt that said fuck you on it and my homeroom teacher flipped out about it. "Zayn, that shirt is inappropriate! You cannot wear it at school." She bitched.

"Fine. I'll just take it off." I said and smirked at Louis before taking my jacket off and taking the shirt off. The teacher looked like her head was about to explode, and I heard a few gasps from a couple of people. Someone whistled and the smirk on my face just got wider.

I high fived Louis and he was laughing his ass off along with Harry, while Liam was just shaking his head. I looked to the back of the classroom and spotted the timid little blond, his blue eyes wide as he stared at me.

I winked at Niall and he looked like he wanted to scream. "Go to the office, NOW!" The teacher scolded. "Whatever, bitch." I muttered, grabbing my shirt and hoodie before walking out of the classroom. Where to now? The office or the bathroom Niall always hides in?

I put my hoodie on and headed towards the bathroom. He'd be in here crying by second period thanks to Louis.

❝T̯̿hird Person POV❞

The bell rang and Niall waited for everyone to clear out before leaving the room and heading to his next class. The hallways were starting to empty and he was just trying to get to other side of the school as fast as possible, but Louis and Harry had different plans.

"Hey Niall." Niall stopped, and turned around just in time for Louis to knock him to the floor. Niall squirmed around underneath Louis' weight and tried to get out from underneath him. "What's the matter?" Louis smirked, pinning Niall's arms down.

"G-get off me!" Niall whimpered, closing his eyes. He heard Harry and Louis laughing and was picked up off the ground and slammed into a locker. He felt a hand on his cheek before being slapped. "What the hell!" Niall exclaimed, opening his eyes and glaring at Louis and Harry.

"What's the problem, Niall?" Harry chuckled and pushed Niall's shoulders into the lockers. By now the halls were empty and Niall was fucked. "Just leave me alone." Niall said and tried to disappear into his hoodie.

"Sorry, but we have a plan and we can't just throw away the plan." Louis smirked, winking at Harry before grabbing Niall and slamming him onto the cold tile floor, kicking him in the stomach. Niall felt the wind get knocked out of him as Louis kicked him again.

Louis and Harry laughed before kicking him in the ribs again and running off. Niall laid on the floor, catching his breath. He hadn't realized he was crying until he had picked himself off the floor. He ran for the bathroom and locked himself in there, not bothering to check to see if anyone else was in there.

He heard someone laughing and froze when he saw Zayn standing there. "Hey there, Niall." Zayn said with a smirk, taking in Niall's appearance. "W-what?" Niall stuttered, staring at Zayn has if he had just grown boobs.

"You're so scared of everything. It's so easy to take advantage of." Zayn said, cornering Niall. Niall pressed himself against the wall, hoping it would suck him up and then he'd never have to deal with Zayn ever again.

"So fragile." Zayn said, holding Niall against the wall, their chests touching. Niall's breathing was erratic and he wanted to scream and to yell, but the words wouldn't leave his throat. He tried to shove Zayn away, but it didn't do much seeing how small Niall was, short with almost no muscle, and Zayn was the opposite.

Niall wanted to cry. He wanted to freak out and cry and hopefully that would just scare Zayn off. Maybe if he pretended he was a psychopath Zayn wouldn't even bother with him ever again. Zayn raised his hand and Niall squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for Zayn to hit him or throw him on the floor like Louis.

But the slap never came. He wasn't thrown onto the floor like a rag doll and kicked. Zayn cupped Niall's cheek, and it made Niall's skin crawl. A stranger. A complete fucking stranger was touching him. Nobody had even come close to making contact with Niall in years, and Zayn might just cause Niall to lose his goddamn mind. Whatever is left of it, that is.


OH. MY. MOTHER FUCKING. DICK SUCKING. GOSH! (Wut?) This story only has two (Well, three now) chapters and people are fucking loving it and I'm fangirling like a mother fuck. Hell, the last chapter had 19 comments. I don't normally get 19 comments on one chapter. Fuck. So, the drama is starting! I just realized I made Harry and Louis assholes again, goddammit I did it in Broken Wings now I'm doing it in this one, too! Ugh I always write this story at like one or two or three in the morning... I'm a night writer!

Song for this chapter is Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People



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