Chapter Four - Miss Jackson Knows What You Do In The Dark

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Warning; suicide

If suicide makes you uncomfortable, don't fucking read the chapter.

It got a bit more graphic than I intended, but oh well.

❝T̯̿hird Person POV❞

"Isn't he just adorable?" Louis cooed, pinching Niall's cheeks and laughing when Niall attempted to swat his hand away. Zayn, Harry and Louis had locked Niall in the bathroom and were driving him crazy. He was pretty sure he was about to snap any second and murder all three of them.

"Leave me alone!" Niall sobbed, trying to grab his hoodie from Harry. Zayn and Louis had forced him out of it, so he was just wearing a flimsy T-shirt. He felt dirty. His skin was crawling and he felt like he was covered in insects and he just wanted to go home and scar up his skin even more to take away the feeling. Anything would feel better than this.

"Sorry, princess." Zayn smirked, using the stupid pet name that made Niall want to throw up. Harry reached his hand out and Niall shouted at him to fuck off and swatted his hand away. "Don't touch me!" Niall shrieked.

Harry growled slightly and grabbed Niall's wrists, pulling him up off of the floor and slamming him into the mirror. It cracked where Niall's body hit and he groaned. "I will do whatever the fuck I want." Harry spat, slamming Niall's head into the mirror, shattering it. He let go of Niall and he collapsed onto the ground, holding onto his head.

He was laying on broken glass, which was cutting his arm up and jutting into to his side. He held back sobs as tears made their way down his cheeks. "How are you still crying?" Louis exclaimed, kicking him in the side.

Niall stayed quiet. If he said something, he'd get hit and if he didn't say anything, he'd still get hit. "You seriously are pathetic." Louis said and spit on Niall. "We should go." Liam warned, looking into the hallway.

 "Okay, you guys go. I'll be out." Zayn said and the other three left the bathroom, leaving Zayn and Niall alone. Zayn got down on one knee and pulled Niall up so he was looking straight into Niall's eyes. Zayn leaned in a bit closer, Niall flinching back.

"If you tell anyone about this, it'll be hell for you. Even worse than this, Freak." Zayn threatened, his eyes almost black. Niall gulped and nodded, his eyes wide with fear. "Say you won't tell anyone." Zayn demanded. "What?" Niall asked.

"Did I fucking stutter?" Zayn said sarcastically, no humor to his voice at all. "I won't tell anyone." Niall said, instantly regretting it. "Good." Zayn said and let go of Niall, standing up and leaving the bathroom. Niall grabbed his hoodie off the ground and pulled it on, his ribs hurting along with everything else.

He pulled the hood over his head, hiding his face. He got up off the floor and stood on wobbly legs, gripping onto the sink. He waited for the weakness to fade a bit before leaving the bathroom and limping out of the school building.

He walked back to his house, constantly checking over his shoulder. Once he finally got to his home he stumbled up the stairs and straight to his bathroom. He shut the door, kicking his shoes off. He took the hoodie off and his T-Shirt and started searching for the razors and pills.

He didn't need to write a note, his mother would know why he would try to commit suicide and he has left plenty of hints that he was planning to take his own life. He didn't know which to start with, so he decided why not to both at the same time.

He cut away the feeling of Zayn, Louis, and Harry touching him and the dirty feeling. For every few cuts he'd take a handful of pills, forcing them down his throat with water. The sink was running and starting to over flow just a bit.

Once Niall was covered in his own blood and the pills were gone he laid down in the bathtub, the blue tile of the tub being stained with red. Niall leaned his head back, enjoying the cool feeling of the tub as he shut his eyes.

He could practically feel the life leaving his body as he breathed his last breaths. He had a small smile on his face. It was an incredibly morbid scene. The bathroom floor covered in spots of bright blood and razors and empty pill bottles.

Niall's skin was torn and ripped, red stark against the white. The one thing that made the scene less depressing, was the fact that this was relief to Niall. He had a problem that wouldn't go away. It wasn't like being bullied where you could just move. Niall could run from his phobia all he wanted, but it'd always catch up to him. It ruined his life, not that his life was great before, but it made it ten times worse. This was his escape.


Well, that was depressing.... ._. Poor NiNi :(

Anyway, on a lighter note, tell me what your favourite band or music artist is, besides One Direction. Oh, and if you know any good Indie bands or singers please PLEASE tell me. I'm starting to get into Indie music and I'm obsessed with it!

Song for the chapter; Miss Jackson Knows What You Do In The Dark by Panic! At The Disco and Fall Out Boy (It's a mash up)



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