Chapter Fourteen - Love To My Cobain

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I'm going to sound like a dick, but oh well. Don't comment UPDATE NOW OMG! I update when I fucking want to, and commenting update isn't going to make me want to write and edit an entire chapter. It's annoying going through the comments and most of them just say update. Fuck

❝T̯̿hird Person POV❞

"Zayn, you need to go to the hospital. Your ribs could be even more broken." Niall said for the fifth time. Zayn had told Niall everything. From him trying to commit suicide in Bradford, his parents abusing him, that he wasn't even close to being a bad ass, and that he was still a virgin. (Which had slipped out by accident) He even told Niall about how he liked to sit on his roof, drinking coffee and smoking, which he had never told anyone about because he thought it was weird. Niall ended up crying, then calling his mum, only to have Zayn throw his phone and say I'm fine. I don't need to go to the hospital.

Which is the reason Niall is being so persistent, because you can fucking see how much pain Zayn is in, but Zayn is being a stubborn prick, and Niall was about to knock Zayn out and drag his ass to the hospital.

"Zayn, please let me call my mum or the hospital. I can see how much pain you're in just by looking at you." Niall said, trying to pout a bit. "I'm fi- AH!" Zayn exclaimed, clutching onto his ribs. "Fuck it, I'm getting you help." Niall said, jumping up and grabbing his phone, dialing 999, and ignoring Zayn shouting at him that he's fine, only to cry out in pain.


"What the hell, Niall!" Maura exclaimed, walking into the hospital. "Hi mummy." Niall said sheepishly, hiding inside his sweater. "Why are you always at the hospital?" Maura asked, her hand on her hip. "Zayn got really hurt, and I had to take him to the hospital." Niall explained.

"What happened to him?" Maura asked, not exactly believing Niall. "He fell on a rock." Niall lied, sitting back down. "Niall, quit bullshitting me. What is going on with Zayn?" Maura asked, and Niall knew she was serious, because she doesn't normally swear.

"Zayn'sparentsabusehim!" Niall said quickly, slapping his hand over his mouth. "Zayn's parents WHAT?" Maura shouted. Niall shushed his mum, and pulled her into the chair next to him. "His parents abuse him, and he showed up at the house and he looked dead and his ribs were broken even more." Niall whispered, seeing as Zayn made him promise not to tell anyone, and here he was telling his mother pretty much everything.

"Wait, is Zayn going to be going back home?" Maura asked, after Niall had explained everything. "I don't know. I don't want him to." Niall said, trailing off. "Do you like him?" Maura asked, raising an eyebrow. "No, I just don't want him getting hurt. Well, more hurt." Niall said rather bitterly.

He had feelings for Zayn, but didn't want to accept it. If he ignored it, it'd go away, right?


Zayn, once again, was sleeping on Niall's couch, Niall sleeping on the floor. Zayn said he would be fine by himself, but Niall wasn't having any of Zayn's shit, so he was now in a ball on the floor. Zayn was numb with pain medication, and he really wanted to cuddle with Niall.

Like, he really really wanted to cuddle with Niall, and maybe the numb feeling would go away. Zayn didn't like feeling numb, because he felt like he was dead. Not that he didn't want to be dead, he just didn't like feeling dead.

Niall moved around on the floor, banging his head into the coffee table. "Mother fucker." Niall hissed under his breath and Zayn let out a small laugh. Niall shot up, falling over and hitting the coffee table again.

"You're still awake?" Niall said once he had regained his balance and wasn't going to body slam the table. "Yeah, I can't sleep." Zayn muttered, looking at Niall. "You can go sleep in my bed if you want. I'm fine with sleeping on the couch or on the floor in my room." Niall said, standing up.

"Niall, I'm fine. Just some insomnia." Zayn said, smiling at Niall to prove that he was fine. He just wanted to be able to hold Niall though, but that wasn't going to happen. "Oh okay. Do you want me to get you anything? More blankets? Pillows? A glass of water-" "Ni, shut your face." Zayn chuckled as Niall started to ramble.

"Right. Shutting my face." Niall said, laying back down on the floor. Zayn definitely didn't want to sleep now. He would much rather stay up all night, talking to Niall. He couldn't help but imagine having Niall cuddled up to him as the act like idiots, Niall laughing at Zayn's stupid jokes, and no, he can't be thinking that because it's never going to happen.

He just shook his head and closed his eyes, trying to sleep, but opened his eyes when Niall started poking his neck. Niall was on his knees, leaning onto the side of the couch with his head on his arms. "I like talking to you." Niall mumbled, looking up at Niall with large eyes. Zayn loved how adorable he looked, his wide eyes bright blue and his hair all over the place.

Zayn chuckled and ruffled Niall's hair, then yanked his hand back, remembering Niall's phobia. Niall sighed, lying his head on his arm, staring at Zayn. "Now that I think of it, we could go sleep on your bed..." Zayn said, trailing off and raising his eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, okay." Niall said, standing up and grabbing his sleeping bag. He grabbed Zayn's pillow and blanket, before helping Zayn up and Zayn was waiting for Niall to pick him up and carry him. "Niall, I'm fine. Stop fussing over me." Zayn said, taking the pillow and blanket from Niall and following him upstairs.

"So, I'll just be on the floor." Niall said, getting into his sleeping bag and laying on the floor. Zayn crawled onto Niall's bed, pulling a blanket around him. Zayn still wanted Niall to cuddle him, and he thought that maybe Niall would cuddle with him, since Niall is acting like he birthed Zayn.

"Ni, are you still awake?" Zayn asked, leaning over the side of the bed. "Yeah." Niall mumbled. Zayn stopped for a minute, trying to get the courage to ask Niall to snuggle with him. "Will you um, would you, I, fuck." Zayn said, wanting to punch himself in the face.

"What?" Niall asked, turning to look at Zayn. "Will you lay with me?" Zayn whispered, trying to sound like it would help him sleep, which it definitely would. "I-I I don't know..." Niall said, trailing off. "Oh okay." Zayn said and rolled over so he was no longer looking at Niall.

Zayn heard rustling, and soon enough Niall was lying next to him, still in the sleeping bag. Zayn smiled and pulled Niall closer to him. Niall normally would've been freaking out, even those Zayn technically wasn't touching him, he was touching the sleeping bag, but the thought should've made him want to cry, but it was kind of nice being pressed up against Zayn.


Look at the cute little Ziall moment (✿◠‿◠)

Song: Love To My Cobain by Jeffree Star (I fucking love Jeffree Star!)



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lol don't send me sexual messages ಥ_ಥ

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