Chapter Fifteen - Born To Lead

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THIS CHAPTER WILL MAKE YOU WANT TO BURN ME AT THE STAKE, but don't get out your pitch forks and torches just yet, read the entire chapter before sending the angry mob after me. Quick question, do you guys want smut? It won't be for a while, but do you want it? (Why am I even asking? You fuckers always want smut.)

Idk if I mentioned this, but Punk!Louis is in this story. Fuck yeah.

❝T̯̿hird Person POV❞

Maura walked into the living room, expecting Zayn and Niall to be there, but she couldn't find them. She walked upstairs and slowly opened the door to Niall's room. Zayn had his arm wrapped around Niall, who was still inside the sleeping bag.

"Aw," Maura said, and left the room. It was too cute to interrupt, even though they still had to go to school. Maura went along with her usual morning routine, until she realized Zayn and Niall were still sleeping, and that they were going to be late.

Maura walked up the stairs and was about to barge into Niall's room, until she heard Zayn and Niall talking. "I don't feel like going to that hell hole." Maura heard Zayn say. And she knew she shouldn't be listening to their conversation, but she had to.

"We don't have too. I'm sure my mum wouldn't mind." Niall said, and that's when Maura decided to walk in. Zayn was still laying down, while Niall was sitting up, the sleeping bag wrapped around him like a cocoon.

"Good morning, boys." Maura said, trying to act like she wasn't just listening to them. "You're bad at walking quietly, mum." Niall said, turning to look at Maura. "Damn," Maura chuckled. "Do we have to go to school? Zaynie here doesn't feel good." Niall said, giving his mum an overly fake smile.

"Of course. You need to rest." Maura said, talking to Zayn. "But you on the other hand," Maura said, pointing at Niall. "Your little ass needs to go to school." Maura said, crossing her arms. "I'll puke on the couch if I have to." Niall said and Maura rolled her eyes.

"Fine, but you need to stay with Zayn. And you two can't leave the house." Maura scolded. "Of course." Niall lied. He was definitely going to Zayn, but he wasn't going to spend the entire day in his house. That's fucking boring, and Niall doesn't want Zayn to be bored.

"No drugs either, and use a condom. I'm not old enough to be a grandparent." Maura said and laughed at the confused look on Niall's face, and the rather scared look on Zayn's. "I'm just kidding. It was a joke." Maura said and Niall just shook his head, laughing at his mum.

"Don't you have to get to work?" Niall asked, trying to get rid of her. "Oh yeah. Right. Bye Nialler, bye Zayn." Maura said before leaving Niall's room. Niall waited until the front door before turning to Zayn. "So, where should we go first?" Niall asked, Zayn raising an eyebrow at him.

"Your mum said we had to stay here, though." Zayn said, sitting up. 'Yeah, but what she doesn't know won't kill her." Niall said, rolling his eyes.  "I suppose we could go for a walk...?" Zayn suggested and Niall jumped up.

"Let's go down to the river! I know of this little dock that you're not supposed to go on, but I go out there anyway." Niall said, shimmying out of the sleeping bag. "Come on. We have to put on actual clothes." Niall said, going through his closet.

"Put this on." Niall said, tossing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to Zayn. "Okay then." Zayn muttered. Niall grabbed some clothes and walked out to change in the bathroom.

When Niall came back in, Zayn was changed and lying on Niall's bed. "Don't fall asleep, fucker." Niall exclaimed, although it was muffled since he had a toothbrush in his mouth. "I'm not." Zayn groaned. "Then get off yo ass!" Niall exclaimed, walking back to the bathroom to spit the toothpaste out and rinse his mouth.

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