Chapter Six - 505

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I fucking love you guys so much holy Jesus! People are saying this is their favourite story and it's only just started! I love you, niggas (:

❝T̯̿hird Person POV❞

Zayn stood outside the school building, smoking a cigarette with Louis. He looked around for the timid little blond, but didn't find him. He continued to look around for the dorky sweaters, or the messed up blond hair, but he never found him.

Zayn continued searching for Niall throughout the day, finding nothing. "Hey, have you seen Ni- the freak at all?" Zayn asked Liam once school was out. "No, I haven't actually. " Liam said, trailing off. "Weird." Zayn muttered and walked away from Liam.

Louis and Harry were already gone and Zayn didn't feel like going home, so he might as well snoop around the office a bit. He stood outside and waited for the secretary to leave before slipping inside. He stood outside Ms. Stewart's door and heard talking.

He pressed his ear up against the door to listen to the conversation. "Is Niall okay?" "He... well I don't know. The doctors said they would call." Zayn was confused now. He heard Niall's name and was wondering what was going on.

"I wish I would've been there sooner. Then he wouldn't have tried to kill himself." Zayn heard, followed by a sob. Zayn felt like he had been hit by a freight train and didn't realize the secretary was back and dragging him out. "Get out!" The secretary spat, shoving Zayn out of the office.

Did she say Niall had tried to kill himself? Zayn left the school and went straight to his car. He had to know what was going on. He heard something about a doctor and thought maybe Niall was at the hospital.

He shoved the car key into the ignition and sped off the moment the car started, cutting someone off and almost getting hit. He was definitely going over the sped limit, but it's not like he ever followed the rules. He parked sideways and almost forgot to shut his car off as he ran from his car to the hospital.

He almost got hit by a car again, the driver honking and flicking him off. He just ignored them and ran into the lobby. He went straight to the front desk and hold onto it. "Is anyone here by the name of Niall Horan?" Zayn asked, a bit out of breath.

"Yes, why?" The receptionist snapped. "Bitch." Zayn whispered under his breath. "I'm a friend of his." Zayn lied. "Really?" The receptionist said, raising an eyebrow. "Yes really. Now what room is he in?" Zayn asked, getting impatient with the bitch.

"I don't believe that you're actually his friend." She said, crossing her arms. "Fuck it. I'll go find himself." Zayn said and walked away from the desk. "Wait," She called out and Zayn stopped. Zayn turned around and smirked. "Room 507." She said.

"Thank you," Zayn said, walking away. "Bitch." Zayn added once he was out of ear shot. He looked around for the room, running up a few stair wells until he came to room 507. He slowly opened the door and gasped when he saw Niall.

He had a blanket pulled around him, his eyes shut and lips parted slightly, small breaths leaving in short puffs. He had bags under his eyes and was sickly pale. His hair was matted down and was a bit frizzy. Zayn shut the door, and walked over to Niall's side. There was a tray of untouched food, an iPod and headphones and a book next to Niall's bed, the book was still open, and Zayn noticed something written on the page. Zayn picked the book up and read what was written, gasping and dropping it, his hand covering his mouth.

I'm sorry, Mummy. Sorry that your son is a freak. I know that I make your life really hard, and that's why I tried to commit suicide. I love you.

Zayn picked the book up off the ground and closed it, setting it down. "Niall, wake up." Zayn said and shook Niall's shoulder. He jumped awake, opening his eyes. He looked at Zayn and wanted to scream. "Get out." Niall said, hiding beneath the blanket. "Niall I-" "OUT!" Niall shouted, cutting Zayn off. Zayn sighed before leaving the room, just as Niall broke down.


Zayn was laying on his roof, a cigarette between his lips. He kept thinking about how Louis had said Niall had Haphephobia, but he had no fucking clue as to what Haphephobia was. It had been clouding his thoughts since Louis brought it up, and he needed to find out what it meant.

He crushed the cigarette out and hopped down onto the shed by his house and onto the ground. It had to have been later than midnight, and Zayn didn't want to go inside. He could hear his parents screaming and decided to just sneak in. That way they wouldn't start screaming at him.

Zayn walked around until he was at his window and pulled the screen out and pushed the window open the rest of the way. He climbed through, landing on his feet. He grabbed his laptop and sat on his bed, starting the laptop up.

"Hurry the fuck up." Zayn swore at the laptop as it loaded. Once it was started up, Zayn typed in his password. Which was Zayn is a sexy beast, but don't tell anyone. He searched Haphephobia into Google and felt disgusted with himself when he read the definition.

Haphephobia: The fear of being touched.





What am I talking about... So yes Zayn now knows what is wrong with Niall, but is he going to stop being a dick? oooOOoooOoOO I'm being all mysterious and shit

Song for this chapter: 505 by The Arctic Monkeys



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lol don't send me sexual messages ಥ_ಥ

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