Chapter Eleven - Read My Mind

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Just wondering, do you guys actually listen to the music that I chose for each chapter?

Oh btw, can you not say that you hate me in the comments. Like I'm okay if you're joking, but don't be all like I hate you and your cliff hangers aslkfjaihs Don't stress your point that you hate me, okay. I write cliff hangers to keep the reader in suspense, making people want to continue with reading my stories, so keep the I hate you comments to a minimum. (:

❝T̯̿hird Person POV❞

Niall got up from the swing, Zayn long gone. The only place he could think of was the bridge, so that's where he went. He ran to the bridge, not stopping even though his legs felt like they were going to fall off by the time he reached the bridge.

His heart stopped when he saw Zayn standing on the railing, so close to falling. "Zayn please get down from there!" Niall shouted, running up to Zayn. Zayn was clutching onto a street lamp, his hands shaking. "No!" Zayn shouted, you could see how badly he was shaking as he stared down at the water.

"Zayn fucking Malik, if you jump off this goddamn bridge, I will throw myself off it, too because you know what? I feel something for you! I don't know why I fucking do, but I do anyway! Zayn, if you don't shine, I don't shine!" Niall shouted, finally admitting that he did have feelings for Zayn.

"You what?" Zayn said, not believing his own ears. "I don't fucking shine if you don't!" Niall exclaimed, wanting nothing more than for Zayn to get the hell off the bridge. "You're lying. You hate me!" Zayn exclaimed.

"Goddammit Zayn! If I hated you, I would've jumped off this bridge no matter what you said! I wouldn't be here right now if I hated you!" Niall exclaimed, pulling at his hair. "Prove it." Zayn muttered, still clutching onto the lamp post.

"I'll jump, if you jump. I sound like Jack from Titanic, but I don't care." Niall said, climbing up onto the railing, holding onto the post. "I don't care if you fucking jump." Zayn said, his eyes shut. "Fine. Be that way." Niall said, before pushing Zayn backwards and onto the road.

"Fuck!" Zayn shouted as his back came into contact with the hard pavement. "What was that for!" Zayn shouted. "You are not going to jump off the bridge." "Really, that's funny coming from you!" "Just shut the fuck up!"

"No I will not just shut the fu-" Zayn was cut off by Niall flinging himself at Zayn and kissing him. Zayn froze, and so did Niall. Niall slowly pulled away from Zayn, and he looked terrified. "I-I what?" Zayn said.

Niall kissed him. Niall kissed him. Niall fucking kissed Zayn. "That, that was wrong! I'm so sorry! God you probably hate me now! I'm sorry!" Niall said, tears running down his cheeks. Zayn reached up and moved Niall's hands away from his face, and brushed away the tears with his thumbs.

Niall sucked in a breath, still uncomfortable with people touching him. "C-can you let go of my hands? Please?" Niall whispered, his voice cracking. "Right yeah. Shit sorry." Zayn muttered, letting go of Niall. "I think my ribs might be broken." Zayn said, laying back on the road.

"Oh my god did I do that I'm so sorry, Zayn!" Niall exclaimed. Zayn just chuckled and shook his head. "No, I'm pretty sure they were broken before you pushed me." Zayn said, a hiss of pain leaving his lips when he tried to move.

"You have to get to the hospital!" Niall exclaimed, searching his pockets for his phone. "I don't have my phone on me." Niall said. becoming frantic. "uh, front right pocket." Zayn smirked, although he was talking quietly because it hurt to talk and breath.

Niall slowly pulled Zayn's phone out of his pocket and unlocked it since there wasn't a pass code and went straight to the phone app. "Should I call for an ambulance or?" Niall asked. "What do you fucking think." Zayn said sarcastically, then groaned in pain. "Right, ambulance." Niall said and dialed 999.

"Hello? Yes, I need an ambulance." Niall said into the phone and Zayn just tuned him out until Niall poked his cheek. "They'll be here in a few minutes, so we should probably get the hell out of the street." Niall said, smiling slightly.

Zayn just nodded, wanting to see Niall smile, and to see him laugh, because it was probably a beautiful sight. Niall dragged Zayn over to the railing, laying him back down. Niall sat down and crossed his legs, staring up at the sky.

A few minutes later an ambulance showed up, asking questions about what happened to Zayn. "He uh... fell." Niall lied. "He fell?" One of the EMTs said, not believing Niall. "Yup. On a rock." Niall said, putting his hands behind his back.

"Sure." The EMT said as they helped Zayn into the ambulance. "Does this hurt?" One of them asked and poked Zayn's ribs. "Yes, it fucking hurts." Zayn said sarcastically. "No need to be rude, young man." The EMT said and Zayn just rolled his eyes, although it hurt because of the awful black eye. "Sorry." Zayn muttered.


Niall was pacing around in the lobby, since they wouldn't let Niall go with Zayn to get his ribs taken care of, so he was now annoying the bitchy Secretary. "Will you sit down!" The Secretary snapped, and Niall rolled his eyes, subtly flipping her off and sitting down in a chair.

Niall kept tapping his foot, rather loudly, too. "Sir, will you stop tapping your foot?" The Secretary snapped, and Niall responded by tapping both feet and tapping on the chair. The Secretary glared at Niall as he continued to be a nuisance. Niall eventually got tired of annoying the Secretary and stopped tapping his feet, now waiting for a doctor or Zayn to come out.

It wasn't for another twenty minutes until Zayn walked into the lobby, looking much better than he did before. Niall stood up and Zayn walked over to him. They kind of just stood there, awkwardly staring at each other, until Zayn remembered he still needed to sign the discharge papers. 

"Hey, uh can I spend the night at yours? I don't really feel like going home..." Zayn said as the walked out of the hospital. "Sure, I'll just call my mum and she can come pick us up." Niall said. "Wait, I still don't have my phone." Niall groaned and Zayn just hit his arm, handing him his phone.

 Niall tensed up a bit before taking the phone from Zayn and calling his mum. Niall explained everything to his mum, including the Zayn fell on a rock excuse, while Zayn sat on the sidewalk. Niall sat down next to Zayn was he was done talking to his mum, handing Zayn his phone back.

"So, I can stay the night?" Zayn asked, awkwardly slipping his phone back into his pocket because of his ribs. "Yeah." Niall said, and that was that. The two sat there not saying anything, because neither one knew what to say.

Niall still thought Zayn hated him because he kissed him, and he was also dating Perrie, meaning he was straight and didn't want dudes kissing him. Zayn on the other hand, wanted to pin Niall to the ground and ravish him, but Niall still freaked out when Zayn, or anyone else touched him. 


I feel like that was a good way to end the chapter. Yeah, that was a good ending. Anywhore, I'm still in fucking shock at how popular this story has gotten. Like, what the shit? Ugh, I love you, losers.

Song for the chapter : Read my Mind by The Killers (I actually quoted the song in the chapter lol)



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