Chapter Thirteen - Space Bound

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Warning: Abuse (SECRETS ARE BEING REVEALED, FUCKERS)  (Don't read if that kind of shit bothers you)

I cried while writing this chapter, so beware. 

❝T̯̿hird Person POV❞

Zayn was sat up on his roof, his hood pulled over his head, a cup of coffee in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He could hear his parents screaming at each other, and he was surprised the neighbours hadn't called the cops yet.

Zayn didn't need anymore bruises or broken ribs from his father, and didn't want to be screamed at by his mother, so he went and hid on his roof like he always did. He didn't want to explain the broken ribs and bruises to Niall, even though he'd probably have to eventually.

He sighed, taking a drink of his coffee and setting it down next to him. Zayn wished he was sitting on top of a building, that way he could jump off and die. If he jumped off his roof, he'd probably get more bruises, and at worse a broken leg or arm.

Zayn wishes he would've died back in Bradford, that way his parents could continue to shout at each other and hit each other, without having to deal with their mistake of a son. Zayn knew that he was a mistake, seeing as his parents shouted it at him every day. In all honesty, it wasn't his fault that his parents were idiots and had him when they were teenagers. Zayn heard something breaking and shook his head, covering his ears with his hands to drown out the fighting. He took his hands off his ears to take a drink of coffee, when he heard a door slam and watched his father walk into the front yard.

"ZAYN GET INSIDE! NOW!" His father shouted, glaring at him. "Shit." Zayn muttered to himself and climbed off the roof as his dad went back inside. He walked into to his living room, only to be shoved to the ground and kicked in the ribs.

"Fuck!" Zayn exclaimed, holding onto his now very broken ribs. "WHAT WAS THAT?" His father shouted, kicking him again. Zayn couldn't breathe and he could hear his ribs cracking. "QUIT HITTING HIM!" His mother shouted.

"SHUT UP, WHORE!" His dad shouted, grabbing Zayn's hoodie and yanking him up from the ground, only to slam him back down. Zayn couldn't hear what his parents were screaming about, whether they were shouting at each other or at him, but he could definitely feel his father's punches.

His father suddenly stopped beating him, and turned to continue fighting with his mother. Zayn tried to move, but everything hurt. Zayn's not quite sure what happened, but he was being pulled off the ground, and dragged out of the house.

His dad threw him onto the front yard, shouting something about how Zayn should've never been born and he never wanted to see him ever again. Zayn watched his parents go back into their home, and he wanted to cry, which was something he never did.

He weakly pulled his hood up over his head, hiding his face, and slowly got off the ground, felling like he had been hit by a truck. He groaned in pain, feeling numb in a few places. He didn't exactly know where he was going, but he found himself standing outside Niall's house, and decided why the hell not.

He walked up the drive way, hoping that Niall was home since there wasn't a car in the driveway. Zayn knocked on the door, although it was rather quiet. Zayn leaned against the side of the house, holding onto his ribs.

The door opened, and Niall gasped when he saw Zayn. "Hi." Zayn said weakly, not looking directly at Niall. Niall pulled him into the house and sat him down on the couch.


So, yeah, it's short as a mother fuck, but I wanted to add some suspense. So, what'd you think is going to happen???

Song: Space Bound by Eminem



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