Chapter Eighteen - Time Of Your Life

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So, this story has been intense as fuck, so here's a chapter filled with Ziall fluff. Quick question, do you guys think I have good taste in music? My boyfriend and mother think I listen to really shitty music (Fuck them)

❝T̯̿hird Person POV❞

"Zayn, can you make me pancakes?" Niall whined for the fifth time. Niall had woken Zayn up at about ten in the morning, complaining about how badly he wanted pancakes. And he wanted his fucking pancakes. "Go make your own pancakes and let me sleep, Ni." Zayn mumbled, his voice scratchy, seeing as Niall woke him up at the ungodly hour of 10AM.

 "But I want you to make me pancakes." Niall said, crawling on top of Zayn and propping himself up with his hands. "I can't make you pancakes if your on top of me." Zayn said and shrugged, hiding under the blanket.

Niall hopped off the bed, and grabbed Zayn's foot, which was sticking out from under the blanket. Niall dragged Zayn onto the floor with a thump and Zayn swearing rather loudly. "Fine, I'll make you pancakes. But they'll probably be really shitty." Zayn said rubbing his eyes and picking himself up off the floor.

Niall was oddly cheery today, and it was bothering Zayn. Maybe it was the fact that he had been woken up to early, or that he hadn't smoke for the past two weeks, or the lack of coffee, but whatever it was wasn't important, because Niall looked adorable as he threw chocolate chips at Zayn and pretended he didn't do it.

"Throw one more chocolate chip at me, and I will dump the pancake batter on your head." Zayn threatened and smiled, the thought of Niall bothering him gone. "I'm not throwing anything." Niall lied, tossing a chocolate chip and hitting Zayn's forehead.

 "Dude, really?" Zayn said, quirking an eyebrow. "Dude, what?" Niall retorted, dumping the bag of chocolate chips over his mouth, almost choking on the chips. "Smooth." Zayn chuckled, pouring some of the pancake batter onto the pan and making it into a little heart.

He thought it would be cute, and it's not like he was in love with Niall. He just fancied him. Not even. He was just attracted to him. That's all. Even though he punched a police officer unconscious and ran from the police, just to make sure Niall was okay. It's just attraction. Niall doesn't even like him like that. Even though Niall was the one that said I don't shine if you don't shine. (A/N That line is going to become an important part in this story, got it?)

Zayn took the bag of chocolate chips from Niall, and put some onto the little heart pancake. "Is that a heart?" Niall asked, pointing to the pancake. "No, it's a penis." Zayn quipped, and Niall made an odd noise in the back of his throat.

"You're such a weirdo, Zayn." Niall smirked, pushing the sleeves of his sweater up. Zayn noticed something written on Niall's arm, and he kind of wanted to know what it said. "Ugh shit." Niall groaned, grabbing a note off the fridge.

"What?" Zayn asked, as Niall crumpled up the note and threw it away. "Therapy." Niall groaned, hoping onto the counter. "Therapy sucks dick." Zayn said, flipping the pancake over and turning back to Niall. "Yes, yes it does. Ms. Rae or whatever is one loopy bitch." Niall complained.

"She said she was a hipster. I just think she's on drugs." Zayn added, and Niall raised an eyebrow. "You have to talk to that hoe, too?" Niall asked. "Yup." Zayn said, messing around with the pancake stuff. (Look at me, talking shit about myself in my own fanfic.)


Ten heart shaped chocolate chip filled pancakes later, Zayn and Niall were trying to play Call of Duty, but Niall wasn't very into it, and just wanted all of Zayn's attention. Zayn had been trying to read what was on Niall's arm, but every time Niall would stay still, something would happen in the game and he'd start flinging his arms around like a fucking maniac.

They eventually gave up on Call of Duty, because Niall probably broke the controller by throwing it across the room and swearing at the TV. Zayn just laughed at his boyfri- his friend's stupidity, and tried to shake that he thought of Niall as his boyfriend.

They did absolutely nothing besides talk to each other, watched awful dramas and crime shows, and make fun of their therapist. "Seriously though, she's fucking weird." Niall said, laughing his ass off. "She's quite fit, though." Zayn said, laughing along with Niall. "What'd she say.. Oh! I've been studying psychology since I was thirteen, Zayn." Zayn said, trying to sound like Ms. Rae. "She said the same thing to me!" Niall exclaimed, and they started laughing again.

Neither of them had been this happy in a long time, and they didn't want it to end. They continued with making fun of Ms. Rae and their teachers, and most the people at the school. "Have you seen Liam's arms though? I was scared to piss him off because he would definitely be able to drop my ass!" Zayn exclaimed, and Niall almost pissed himself laughing.

"Some kid made fun of him last year, and we thought Liam killed him because he hit him so fucking hard." Niall exclaimed, holding onto his sides because they hurt so much from laughing. "Oh my god! There was this kid at my school, that handed out sugar and told everyone it was cocaine, and everyone fucking believed him!" Zayn exclaimed.

"Holy shit are you serious?" Niall asked, before busting up laughing again. "I'm fucking serious! And this one girl blames him for getting her addicted to cocaine, and nobody even fuckin' knows that it was just sugar!" Zayn and Niall were on the floor now, laughing their asses off.

"Oh god." Niall sighed, practically crying because how hard he was laughing. "Woo," Zayn breathed, Niall's leg was thrown over his chest, and Zayn was laying flat on the floor, Niall leaning against the couch. "I can't remember the last time I laughed that much." Niall said, the large smile still there.

"Me either. Damn, I'm surprised I can still laugh." Zayn said, staring up at the ceiling. "We need to do this more often..." Niall said, trailing off. "Do what?" Zayn asked, watching Niall in absolute fascination. "Just us for a day. You make your heart shaped pancakes and I throw food at you, then we dick around for the rest of the day, laughing our asses off and making fun of everyone and everything. Just forget about the world for a little while and all of our problems and the only thing we care about at the moment is each other. That's what we need to do." Niall said, now looking at Zayn.

Zayn was at a loss for words. He agreed with what Niall said, but if he opened his mouth to speak, he would probably say something along the lines of I love you or Let me impregnate you. So, he just stuck to nodding his head and reading what was written on Niall's wrist.

 It took Zayn a second to read the black words, which stood stark against Niall's skin. The words covered multiple scars and Zayn wanted to cry when he saw it.

I don't shine if you don't shine.


I am quite content with this chapter. I actually have I don't shine if you don't shine written on my wrist.... Don't judge me. It's a line from my favourite song, alright. Like I said in the chapter, the line is going to be important! You should've listened to me! Wait, you probably did listen to me...

Song: Time Of Your Life by Green Day



Send me sexual messages (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

lol don't send me sexual messages ಥ_ಥ

Also, look at the title

Notice something different? ;)

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