chapter 20 of a story i dont own

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Kiba screamed. The she-Naruto blushed and giggled. "Oh Kiba-kun! I knew you loved me!" The she-Naruto said in a flirty and happy way, although its eye twitched.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Kiba screamed spitting in between words. "KISSING YOUR OPPONENT IS NOT A VALID WAY TO ATTACK AN ENEMY!" And with that he threw a shuriken at the giggling female Naruto. Poof. "Oh thank god..." Kiba sighed in relief. He hadn't actually kissed Naruto after all. As Haku's fits of laughter became louder and louder he was joined by Kakashi and Tsunade. Soon, almost every person in the room was laughing.

Sasuke twitched and looked away from the scene below him, the blush of embarrassment creeping onto his cheeks even though he tried to keep it at bay. Kakashi slowed his laughter enough to breathe "Well, they don't call him the most surprising ninja for nothing..." And with that he began laughing anew.

"That's one way to catch your opponent off guard..." Shikamaru managed to laugh out, having given up on holding back his giggles at the look on Kiba's face. "Troublesome idiot..." He snickered further.

Kiba looked around utterly embarrassed and as he was distracted, he was attacked from behind. He was sent flying into Akamaru, who poofed back into his little dog form. As the pair hit the ground the Naruto's went back to normal, leaving a cloud of smoke blocking everything from view. Kiba was attacked and Akamaru was held down. No one really saw what happened, but everyone heard it. There were the sounds of punches being thrown and a few explosions. When the smoke cleared, Naruto stood with a foot on Kiba and a clone holding his puppy. Naruto smirked and puffed out his chest panting as best he could, trying to fake being tired.

Kiba laid face down, looking completely dazed but otherwise okay. Although, when he tried to get up Naruto held him firmly down. "Well well well! Who's top dog now?" Naruto smirked. "Time to take this puppy to the vet." The clone said, holding Akamaru up for unnecessary emphasis. Akamaru just growled at the Narutos. The clone hissed through his teeth, effectively shutting the dog up. Kiba tried to move again but once again fell down, unconscious from exhaustion.

"Umm, you won Naruto. You can let him up now..." He heard a voice say and turned to look at the examiner and nodded. The clone put the dog down and poofed away. Naruto then began to make his way up the stairs with his hands behind his head.

'Well, at least he lost with a little more dignity this time...' Naruto thought, smirking at the memory of Kiba's embarrassing loss last time. 'Although he did end up kissing one of my clones... Guess he was always meant to lose some dignity in this match.' Naruto had to hold back a laugh.

"You really pounded him!" Kyuubi smirked. "Put the old dog to sleep!"

'Not again...'

"Ahh, but you got to make lame puns. Why can't I?"Kyuubi argued, somewhat dejected.

'Because I'm the only one who can hear yours...'

"Have I got you barking mad?"

'Stop now...'

"No fun..."

As Naruto reached where his team plus Shikamaru was he was greeted with multiple hits to the head. "YOU IDIOT!" Sakura pounded his head in. "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She hit him again.

"OW! What was that for?!" Kakashi asked, rubbing the new bump on his head.

"For corrupting your student and teaching him your perverted ways!" Anko said as she hit Kakashi again. As the two assaulted men began to run, the women huffed and fumed.

Shikamaru inched his way away from them. "Geez, I hope I don't have to fight a woman..." Shikamaru began to watch the screen again. His name came up and he looked down to the arena, his very female opponent already there waiting for him. "Damn..."

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