A growl bled through my lips. It felt like my own rage, but yet, it didn’t start with me. I closed my eyes and saw the rope that led towards my mate.

“Hey! Open your eyes! We don’t want you planning anything.” a nervous scared man said, he was one of the ones that was holding a gun pointed at me.

I smiled up at him that made him shake with more fear, “Why…what could I plan by shutting my eyes to rest? Your all only going to change the chains. I have no intention on fighting you, on my list of things is someday getting out of here and seeing my woman while she still holds our child in her. We think it’s a boy.” I smiled brighter to scare them all more, it was like throwing knives at random, toward there unshielded bodies, telling them things off topic got them more riled up and scared.

“Shut up!” said another one, more confident that he can handle me.

I looked over at him, looking him over, I snorted, “Seriously? Crystal Meth? Man, your all just a joke.”

The guy who yelled at me before stiffened as they all looked at him and then me again. The guy with the new chains walked over to me shaking like he just had a drug withdrawal. He began to unlock the chains around my hands first and then my legs. They pointed the guns towards my head when the scared guy took off the leg ones. I moved my wrist around and my ankles.

“Ah, its nice to move my arms and legs without feeling metal not allowing myself to move them,” I cracked my knuckles, “Much better now. I really wanted to do that for a long while. One question for you guys. Why are you all scared of me? I‘m just a 18 year old guy who‘s girlfriend is pregnant and needs my help.” I stood up and walked over to the most scared man in the room, he was shaking so badly he couldn’t hold the gun straight. All the others kept there guns pointed at my head but I didn’t care.

“Oh that’s right. You think I’m not human! Think I’m like an alien to your planet. Oh I’m soooo scary. You know I have girls at my school that think I’m hot not scary.” I was just walking around the room scaring the fuck out of all of them.

It made my wolf very pleased. My wolf was licking up their fear like a 6 year old licking a lollipop. And eating up their tasty fear was more fun then anything. Except sex, sex is always fun. I heard a door slam.

“Ooh looks like we have a visitor. Why don’t you go greet them? I bet guests don’t like it when they’re ignored.” I challenged the toughest looking one and he looked down right when I threatened to challenge him. Most of them left, but the rest stayed watching my every move. Calm, arrogant voices soon came and then followed screams of terror and pain. They heard it too and they were not sure if to stay and watch me or go and help the others and leave me unsupervised.

They decided they wanted to leave my presence so they made a move towards the doorway. One moment I saw their backs the next I saw all their faces again.

“You all should stay and join. I was just going to eat dinner. Your friends are doomed anyways, plus I haven‘t eaten in a couple days.” I licked my lips of anticipation.

I jumped towards them all and bit my teeth into one of their throats. I changed while I ripped at his neck for meat. I did the same to all of them except the shivering one. Blood was dripping from my bottom jaw and my fur was all matted up with blood. I looked terrifying to him probably. My stomach was full of meat from the people I ate. People aren’t exactly the most tasty food ever but I was starving. I couldn’t wait to eat mother’s meals.

I changed to a human. You know how in the old movies, werewolves ate people and continued to eat them until they’re dead? Well, I don’t think human flesh tastes as good as it sounded to those werewolves.

Wolfen RavenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora