Erza:  " Told you."

Yukino then walks upto us.

Yukino:  " Hi."

Erza:  " Hey."

Lucy:  " Hey Yuki."

She smiles at us we she it's infront of us, crossing her legs.

Yukino:  " Did you guys see anything mysterious today?"

Lucy:  " Nope."

Erza:  " How about you?"

Yukino:  " Same, I wonder what is it we have to find."

She saids causing Erza to stay quiet. I then speak up, changing the subject, knowing that Erza doesn't want to talk about it.

Lucy:  " Have you seen Natsu and Happy?"

Yukino:  " No, they haven't gotten here yet. Trust me that fire would've been easier to make if he were here."

She giggles at us but I can't help but think of what could've happened to them. Where are they? Are they okay? I questioned in my head while looking around.

Lucy:  " I hope their okay."

Erza:  " I'm sure they're fine."

Yukino:  " Yeah it's Natsu and Happy, what's the worse that could happen?"

Lucy:  " So many things..."

Erza:  " Wow Lucy you have so much faith in them."

Erza said in a disappointed tone.

Lucy:  " What if he burns down the forest? What if he starts a fight with a harmless villager or traveler? What if he trades all of his jewels for something stupid???"

Erza:  " ....."

Erza stayed quiet knowing that what I say is true and gets up.

Erza:  " I'm going to go look for them..."

Lucy:  " I'll go with you."

Yukino:  " I'll continue cooking the fish, maybe the smell might attract him here. That always works with Sting."

I giggle at what she saids and notice Sting looking in our direction. I guess he heard. Ugh dragon hearing. I thought lowly. Erza and I split up, she went to the right and I went to the left of a small trail in search of the two bakas.

Natsu's P.O.V.

Happy is holding onto me as he flies through the forest, looking out for anything suspicious.

Natsu: " Happy let's head up."

Happy:  " Aye!"

He saids as he flies upwards, out of the forest trees. He stays still flapping his wings but without moving while we both look around to see if there's anything weird.

Mira's ship 「nalu fanfic」Where stories live. Discover now