Out of nowhere I then felt someone's arm place itself onto my shoulders and pull me close, until our sides made contact.

Lucy:  " Huh?"

Sting:  " Pinky chicken out on us?"

I blush lightly and my heart beat begins to speed up a bit once I recognize the voice.

Lucy:  " I-I...don't think so..."

Sting:  " It wouldn't matter if he did anyways."

Lucy:  " What do you mean..?"

Sting:  " I mean, we can still have fun without him."

He said with a seducing tone and an irresistible smirk almost making me melt.

Lucy:  " F-Fun...?"

I asked while stuttering a bit as I looked at him with a hint of blush playing on my cheeks.

Sting:  " Yeah, we can have loads of fun. Plus I can protect you from anything."

Lucy:  "Y-You...want to protect me..?"

Sting:  " Of course I do, I mean who wouldn't? You're funny, cute and smart."

Lucy:  "..."

I stand there speechless as I can feel my cheeks burn fifty shades of red, looking down embarrassed.

Sting:  " You're a perfect girl, you just need to find the perfect guy. Who knows he's probably near you, so why don't you let me be your protector?"

Sting saids in a charming way and I continue to blush even harder then before. W-What do I say...? I thought.

Natsu:  " She doesn't need you. She already has me."

I hear a familiar male voice say as he pulls me away from Sting. My eyes widen. N-Natsu..? I thought to myself as I gaze up, looking at the pink haired dragon slayer.

Sting:  " You? Ha, you gotta be kidding me."

Sting said with a sarcastic laugh, trying to piss off Natsu. Why are they acting like this? I thought quietly, a bit nervous about the whole situation.

Natsu:  " Listen up Luce-..."

Natsu began to say with a cold tone and expression on his face when he was then cut off by the cocky, blonde dragon slayer.

Sting:  " Luce? You don't even know how to say her name right. You don't deserve to protect her."

Hey! I kinda think...the nickname is cute...it's grown on me.  I thought to myself with a small pout as I looked down.

Natsu:  " First of all it's a nickname, because we're close and second of all I deserve it so much more then you."

W-We're...c-close...? I blush lightly to what he just said but quickly shook my head to not make it a big deal like most us girls do. I mean I'm aware he doesn't like me.

Sting:  " Oh, so you think?"

Natsu:  " I don't think, I know. So deal with it."

Mira's ship 「nalu fanfic」Where stories live. Discover now