Chapter 30- Newly Weds

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2 weeks later

All the bridesmaids were gathered in my room that has turned into a hairdresser and dressing room. Apparently my room is the biggest and most spacious room in the house. Like seriously! There's got to be about 50 rooms in this house and they pick mine!

I was the first one ready, then Chloe and Dani, then Rosie and the one who is the most important in this event, Scarlet. She's finally getting married to the love of her life. The goofball of this family, the one and only, Isaac.

I was wearing one of my white converses as I'm definitely not wearing heels on crutches. I have my hair curled and clipped some back with blue satin bows.

We are all ready, Parker is here with us as I'm going to be walking down the aisle with him and Rosie. Parker can walk just not on his own.

We all waited at the door that leads out to the garden. "Scarlet are you ready?" Her dad shouts as Scarlet is in the living room with Sophia.

"Yes daddy. I'm ready, always have been." She anxiously said. I heard the music start playing. Chloe and Dani walked down, me and Rosie waited for a few seconds. I grabbed Parkers little hand and held onto my crutch in the other. Yes I only have one now! Yippee!

Isaac had Adam as his best man, Hayden, Jayden and Nick as his groomsmen. They all had black suits with a pastel purple tie. Jayden gasped slightly when I walked out but I didn't hear it but I knew the boys heard him as they all went red from trying not to laugh and kept nudging him. We got to the end where Isaac was standing.

"Give daddy a quick hug, then go stand next to uncle Jayden." I said softly to Parker.

I smiled at Jayden and he obviously smiled back. I really miss not having to hug or kiss him. Scarlet looked stunning when she walked down the aisle with her dad. She looked at me then Jayden and gave him a slight nod. I just gave her a puzzled look, she laughed and finally she looked at Isaac and smiled, a loving smile.

"I do." Isaac said and then they exchanges rings. Then they kissed and everyone cheered at the newly weds. Parker and Ryder came running to me, I quickly caught both of them. I gave them hug and grabbed their hands and walked over to Scarlet and Isaac.

"You want me to look after Parker?" I asked.

"You don't have to." They said.

"Well, I think you need a night when you not worrying about the little one." I told them. "Go have fun I'll look after him tonight and tomorrow."!

"Omg! Thank you West!" Scarlet squealed.

Authors note:
1 more chapter then epilogue.
Finally Scarlet and Isaac got married after 20 odd chapters.

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Until next time, My Lovelies xxx

Lilo xx

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