Behind Blue Eyes: Chapter 14- And now we were going to die together

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Chapter 14

And now we were going to die together

♥♥♥ Third Person P.O.V♥♥♥

 How could they? Amelia thought bitterly, as she sat alone on her couch. How dare they trap me in here? she thought, she was reeling.

“You know, you should really lock your door,” Damon remarked as he entered the blonde’s house, interrupting Amelia’s line of thought.

“Ha. Ha. Very funny Damon. You’re truly hilarious,” Amelia said bitterly, as her head turned to the vampire who was now standing in the doorway of her sitting room.

“I know I am sweetie,” Damon said plopping down on the seat next to the blonde. Amelia turned her head away from him and ignored his presence. “Oh come on now pouty,” Damon said elbowing her.

“What did my dad say about me being a prisoner in my own home?” Amelia asked him, crossing her arms.

“He had a good laugh. He thinks I’m hilarious,” Damon smirked, causing the girl to roll her eyes. “If you keep on doing that your pretty little face will be stuck like that forever,” Damon commented.

“Well then how come you’re not stuck with your ‘I’m so sexy I might die’ face?” Amelia asked raising an eyebrow.

“Touché Blondie.” Damon remarked.

“Where’s Bonnie?” Damon asked her.

“I thought my traitor witch friend was meeting you,” Amelia said, honestly.

“Nope, she’s on moonstone duty and I’m on, Melia patrol,” Damon winked, the corners of his mouth turning into a smirk.

“I take it Elena’s stuck in her house to so where’s Caroline and Jeremy?” Amelia assumed.

“Jeremy’s on Elena watch. And vampire Barbie’s on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon,” Damon explained.

“Wait? Today’s the full moon?” Amelia exclaimed.

“Yup,” Damon said.

“But, I promised Tyler I’d help him for his first turn,” Amelia explained.

“Wait? I thought I told you to stay away from that mutt,” Damon said.

“You’re not the boss of me Damon Salvatore, now let me go help Tyler. I promised him,” Amelia begged.

“Well, you shouldn’t have. Oh look it’s you dad,” Damon said, answering his phone walking out into the hallway.

Amelia attempted to here the conversation but it was hard since she was only hearing Damon’s side of it. “What is it?..... I’m with your daughter, why?..........Ok…….. I’ll be right there,” Damon said into the phone. Damon popped his head in through the door.

“Sorry princess, I’ve got to go. I don’t want you to get grounded by your dad because you being here with me,” he mocked.

“Oh wait, you already are,” he remarked. Suddenly a pillow flew towards him which he dodged. Laughing he left, leaving her all alone.

Perfect time too do some digging Amelia thought to herself getting out the Gilmore book from her book shelf.

Psychic abilities:

o To rerun any scene involving death in head  pg 32

o Tracking pg 47

o Telepathy pg 53

o Movement with mind pg 64

o Voluntary or involuntary cause great pain to others pg 69

o Blood pg 72

o To intervene in dreams pg 80

o Telekinesis  81

Amelia felt immediately drawn to the word blood. She quickly began to flick the pages of the book, finally landing on page 72. She began to read intensely.

Psychics have a tendency to attract all kind of supernatural beings to them, especially vampire’s due to the massive amounts of power which lay in their blood.

This caused her to think of the first night Damon and her had met. She remembered how she had seen him staring at her whilst talking to Lillian Fell in the corner of her eye as she had been laughing with Jeremy about how Tyler was screwed. And how later on that night, he had almost drained her completely of her blood. It wasn’t because he had lost control due to his mental state, it was because of the fact her blood was different. Curious she read on…

A psychics blood can be used for many things. Such as healing, a couple drops of a   psychic’s blood on any wound shall heal it. There blood can also be used as an ‘elixir’ of immortality. It is thought that the first ever vampire killed a psychic, cutting them repeatedly, bleeding them dry of any blood they had. So as a curse they became a vampire and thirsted eternally for blood, needing it to stay alive. Becoming a danger to there family, friends and lovers. The selfish vampire’s family were all cursed with this, never being able to die, ever living.

It all made sense now, that was why vervain had no affect on Elijah nor wood. Because he must have been a member of the first vampire’s family, if not the selfish vampire himself. That’s why he can not die, he has to suffer for ever… She began to read yet again….

The most common use for psychics blood is for strengthening spells, making them almost unbreakable as in need to break the spell a psychics blood is needed, and as it only dominates in the female side of the Gilmore family make’s it near impossible. This technique was first used in the making of the curse of the Sun and the moon. The only way for this particular curse to be lifted is with the blood of the psychic and kiss.

Amelia stopped reading and put the book down. Crap, Klaus is defiantly going to find me and Elena. It’s so rare for a female psychic to be found, and the Petrova doppelganger. And now here we were, best friends. We had done everything together, we grew up together, we had our first day of school together, we got our first boyfriends on the same day and now, we were going to die together.    

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