Behind Blue Eyes: Chapter 3- Run or die

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Chapter 3

Run or die.

♥♥♥ Amelia’s P.O.V♥♥♥

I ran, my legs never ceasing to stop their never ending cycle of motion, my mind never straying from my single thought: Run or die. My lungs felt as if they were on fire and my heart was about to beat out of her chest.

It was a strange sensation, being in such excruciating pain but unable to stop moving. Some unknown energy forced my muscles to continue working and have me continue through the shadows. My eyes looking straight in front of me, not daring to even look in the corner of my eye. For I knew what I would see running after me, a vampire or to be more exact- Damon Salvatore.

I was still caught up in the surrealism of it all. Vampires. I mean what next? Werewolf’s, witches, demons, physics, mummies, bigfoot? And above all a vampire lived here, Mystic Falls and that Vampire was Damon Salvatore, a guy I had just met five minutes ago.

Oh my God, if Damon’s a vampire, does that mean Stefan is a vampire?

Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod. Elena could be dating a potential vampire, who attends my future school. Oh. My. God.

I could feel a knot tying in my throat, but I powered through. I was about fifteen minuets from my house. There was no way in hell I could run for another 15 minuets, I decided mentally.

THAT’S IT! I’ll go to Aiden’s house which should be empty since he’s at Duke., that’s only a few blocks from here.

Just a few blocks now and you’ll be home, safe

Will you? I mean from all you’ve read vampire are like superhero’s.

Super hero’s? Hell no they kill people. I mean one just fed on me!

Ok, bad superhero’s. According to legends and books they have super human

strength, can jump super high-

Well according to legend they also can’t go out in the sun, turn into bats and can run superfast. Yet, I’ve seen Damon Salvatore out in day, if he could of turned into a bat he would have done so already and I’m out running him. So shut up!

“I will be safe, I will be safe, I will be safe,” I muttered to myself repeatedly, trying to reassure myself after my mental argument. I started to slow down slightly. I can’t do this, I am the 800m champion and head cheerleader, but there is no way I can out run him.

And just when I was about to give up all hope, I saw the corner of Shadow Lane. I can do this and I will do this. In a race you slow down, conserve your energy for awhile and right when you can see the finish line you push through the agony. I thought whilst doing it.

“YES!” I shouted reaching the door of Aiden’s house. I flustered for a second then dug my hand in my jeans pocket and pulled out my key ring. I looked behind me to see Damon catching up to me. I started panicking slightly.

Click! Just as he was right behind me I entered my house. “Ha! Can’t get me now bloodsucker!” I laughed facing him from the other way of the door, both my hands resting on the door frame. He opened his mouth about to speak but was interrupted by the door slamming in his face.      

I leaned against the wall, using the chest of draws to support me. As I looked down the rest of the hall way I saw a dark figure.

Crap. Crap. Crap. Holy freakin crap, I am gonna die, I’m gonna die. He must have gotten through the back door. Just as I was about to scream the lights flickered on revealing the figure to be Aiden. I couldn’t even put words together to say how relived I was.

“Amy, you scared the shit out of me!” Aiden said, clearly relieved himself that I wasn’t a serial killer. I couldn’t speak so I just continued to breath heavily.

“Amy? Are you ok?” Aiden asked me worried. I shook my head violently, to answer. “Oh God Amy,” he said hugging me tight, holding me tight.

“Don’t (breaths) let (breaths) him (breaths) in,” I attempted to say.

“Don’t let who in Amy?” he asked me, letting me go to have a good look at me.

“Don’t let-” I started to repeat myself trying to catch my breath in.

“Did somebody hurt you?” he asked me going towards the door.

“No,” I whispered, not to answer the question but to try and stop him. His fingers traced the door knob. “DON’T!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. He turned back to me, shock in his green-brown eyes, underneath his untidy dark hair.

“Ok, ok I won’t open it,” he said reassuring me with a hug.

“Thank you,” I croaked.

“You look exhausted, come on I’ll get you a drink, then you can shower and you can sleep in the spare room,” he said looking me up and down, but not in a perverted way. I opened my mouth to say no but he cut me off. “I’m not taking no for an answer Amelia Fell. I’ll call mom and dad for you,” he said sternly.

“Thanks Aiden,” I smiled up at him.

“No problem Amy,” he smiled back.

“Now, get up in that shower you stink,” he laughed.

“Oi!” I said elbowing him playfully. Laughing I made my way up the stairs. “Hey Aid?” I said in a questioning tone pausing in the middle of the stairs as he was making his way into the kitchen.

“Yeah?” he said turning around to face me.

“Why are you here? Not that I don’t want you here, but shouldn’t you be at uni?” I asked him.

“No, it’s my holidays Amy,” he laughed.

“Oh,” I said continuing up the stair case.

I went into the en suite bathroom to the spare bedroom and prepared myself for bed. It was like I had forgotten all about D- scratch that today. I wrapped my self in a towel and made my way back into the bedroom. I opened the wardrobe when I realised I had nothing to wear. I went to the wardrobe and picked out a tank top and a pair of short shorts and got dressed.

“Here’s your tea,” Aiden said after knocking.

“Thank you,” I said when he handed it to me. I took a thoughtful sip and put it down on the nightstand. “Look, about tonight, can you not tell anybody?” I asked him as I plopped onto the double bed.

“Sure, along as you’re not hurt in anyway,” he said sceptically.

“No, I’m fine. I, um, think someone must of, um, spiked my drink or summin,” I lied smoothly. Not the best liar but Aiden is the most gulible person I know.

“Ok, see ya tomorrow,” he said kissing me on the top of my head.

“Night Aiden,” I said sleepily as he flicked the light switch and closed the door leaving me in the darkness.

I pulled the covers up tight around me for comfort and to make me feel slightly safer. I could hear my heart beating out of my chest. I don’t know why I was so worried.

I was safe here, if Damon was going to do anything tonight he would have done so tonight, and besides he’d have to fend of my protective older brother who used to be quarter back, yeah he was pretty tough.

Oh yeah I remember why, because he’s a freakin’ vampire. 

I thought before I slipped into unconsciousness.

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