Behind Blue Eyes: Chapter 8- Until he understands to keep his paws off you

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Chapter 8

Until he understands to keep his paws off of you

♥♥♥ Third Person P.O.V♥♥♥

Since getting out of the volunteer day the week before, Amelia was now roped into helping out with the preparations for the masquerade ball.

“Hey Amy! Can you help me move this box?” Amelia heard the familiar voice of Mason Lockwood behind her.

“Sure,” she said through gritted teeth, knowing she didn’t really have a choice. She walked over to Mason and started sorting through the box, acting as if he didn’t exist.

“Look, I’m sorry ok?” Mason said, grabbing her attention.

“What for? Using me to get too Damon? Threatening to kill my best friend? Or using my aunt to kill off Stefan & Damon Salvatore?” she asked, her voice like ice.

“The first two, defiantly. And I’m still deciding on the last one,” Mason admitted, making Amelia raise her eyes to his face.

“And why should I believe or trust you?” she asked with her hands on her hips, involuntary raising her right eye brow.

“Because I can give you answers about Michelle-Anne,” Mason said.

“If you wanted to gain my trust you’d tell me Mason,”  Amelia explained.

“I will tell you, but only when I trust you not to run off and tell Damon & Stefan Salvatore every word I say,” Mason bargained.

“You know what, Mason? You can go to hell,” she told him, walking away from him into the Lockwood house.

“What did Mason want?” Damon asked Amelia from behind her causing her to gasp.

“Why do I have the idea you already know?” Amelia asked watching Mason Lockwood, watching her. “And, why are you here?” she asked turning around to face Damon.

“Looking for my bro. Speaking off, can you go tell yours to stop giving me the evil eye?” Damon asked Amelia after a short pause.

“What?!” Amelia asked him.

“Your dear brother Aiden has been stalking me, find out why and tell him to stop,” Damon ordered before walking away leaving her alone.

“Hey Aiden! Come over here a sec!” Amelia called to her brother, causing him to break off his conversation with Matt and start walking over to her.

“What’s with you and Damon Salvatore?” she asked him when he reached her.

“I should be asking you the same thing,” Aiden said to her.

“Excuse me?” she said in shock.

“He’s a bit old isn’t he?” Aiden asked his sister.

“Old? Old for what? ”Amelia asked after a scoff.

“For you to cheat on Tyler Lockwood with,” Aiden said simply setting her off.

“For me to- what! I am not cheating on Tyler with anyone, Aiden Fell. Let alone Damon Salvatore!” Amelia said outraged that he would think of such a thing.

“Well it doesn’t seem like it,” Aiden retorted.

“No Aiden, it’s nothing like that. I’m not like that, you know I’m not like that,” Amelia argued.

“I know Amy. But him, I don’t. I think you should keep your distance from him, at least until he understands to keep his paws off of you,” Aiden suggested in a warning tone.

“Screw you Aiden,” she said and with that she stormed off and left.

Amelia was outside the Salvatore boarding house, her fist about to tap on the wooden door when she heard screams from within. She barged in and saw Jeremy standing in the hall way.

“Hey, what’s going on? I heard-” Melia started before following Jeremy’s gaze to Damon who was torturing Mason.“Damon no!” Amelia said rushing over to them attempting to grab Damon’s attention.

“Where’s the moonstone?” Damon asked Mason ignoring her.

“Screw you,” Mason said weekly.

“Ehh, wrong answer,” Damon said getting a bit of wolf bane.

“No!” Amelia screamed.

“Look, if he was going to say anything he would have already,” Jeremy said backing her up, but holding her back.

“Get her outta here!” Damon told Jeremy.

“Jere, if you so much as attempt to move me from this room I swear to God I will NEVER speak to you again,” Amelia threatened.

“Kathy, want’s it,” Mason said.

“Now, why would she want that?” Damon asked him.

“To help me,” Mason replied.

“Why?” Damon asked.

“Because she loves me,” Mason said causing Damon to laugh nastily.

“Now I get it, you’re just stupid. Katherine doesn’t love you, she’s using you, you moron!” Damon explained.

“I’m done talking,” Mason said bitterly.

“Yes, yes you are,” Damon said causing Amelia to scream out in objection. “It’s time to take a walk Jeremy, take Melia with you” Damon said. “I’m staying Damon, he’s had enough,” Jeremy said holding Amelia back as she struggled.

“Help Tyler, don’t let this happen to him. And Amy, if you want answers, ask your parents why you transferred to Mystic High,” Mason told Amelia.

“Damon please,” Amelia begged with tears in her green eyes. Suddenly she found her self forced against the wall.

“You wanted to be a part of this? Well here it is, kill or be killed. The guys a werewolf. He’d kill me the first chance he’d get & don’t think he wouldn’t kill you too. So you suck it up or leave!” Damon shouted at her, before moving away towards Mason again.

“Besides, he wants me to kill him anyway. Don’t you Mason? It really is a curse isn’t it?” Damon asked Mason. Jeremy grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the scene and into the hall way.

“Jere, please don’t let him,” Amelia begged her best friend. Suddenly there was a groan of pain and then silence. Amelia bit her lip wanting to scream out in outrage. Jeremy looked at her also biting his lip, before enveloping her in a hug, letting her sob into his t-shirt for a good, solid ten minuets.

“Come on, I’ll take you home,” Jeremy offered, putting his coat around her shoulders.            

Behind Blue eyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora