Behind Blue eyes

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Chapter 1

Bad Omen

“Reason seven, it’s the last chance I will ever have to have the normal teen experience, Reason eight, it will give me a chance to improve my people skills-” Amelia Fell ranted, reading her annual ‘Why I should transfer to Mystic Falls High’ speech.

“Like they can increase any further,” Daniel Fell said, speaking his mind from his usually comfy armchair.

“Dad! Quit interrupting!” Amelia said agitated at her fathers interuption.

“Sorry honey, carry on,” he ushered.

"Now where was I?" the blonde asked herself under her breath. “Ah! Reason eight-” Amelia continued.

“You can go,” Lillian Fell said.

“What?!” exclaimed both Amelia and her father. Amelia’s mother had been the most opposed to the idea of Amelia going to a public school.

“If you want to, why not? I mean it’s your junior year, you might as well enjoy it,” her mother shrugged.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Amelia squealed squeezing her mother into a hug.

“You better go on up and get ready, we’ve got to go pay our respects” her mother ordered. Amelia gave her a questioning look. “You haven’t heard?” Lillian stated.

“Heard what?” Amelia asked.

“Mayor Lockwood died last night,” her mother told her.

“Oh my God, poor Tyler and Mrs Lockwood,” Amelia said as a wave of sadness came over her. Despite never liking Tyler's father she still never wished death on him once.

“Common, get up those stairs young lady,” her father told her.

Amelia ran up the stairs, with one thought crossing her mind. She didn’t want to go. She wanted to be there for her boyfriend, of course she did, but what would she say?  Sighing, she made her way to her elaborate French wardrobe.

She pulled out a grey vest, and a pair of blue skinny jeans and swiftly got dressed into them,. She slipped into a pair of simple black heels and picked up a black handbag incase she needed anything.

♥♥♥ Amelia’s P.O.V ♥♥♥

Next thing I knew I was walking out of my dad’s red Ferrari and into the Lockwood estate. I pretended to fix my shoe, wanting my parents to go ahead.

“Mr & Mrs Fell, thanks for coming,” I heard the oh-so familiar voice of Tyler Lockwood..  “Come on in,” he continued as they stepped into the house. I made my way slowly up to him.

“Amelia,” he said.

“Ty, I’m so sor-” I started before being pulled into a tight hug. “I am so sorry Ty,” I said wrapping my arms around him In the corner of my eye I saw a black car rolling in. “Is that?” I asked as Tyler stepped away from me getting a closer look.

Just then a man walked out of it. “So the black sheep returns,” Tyler said over looking the man.

“Tyler?” he asked.

“Yup,” Tyler answerd imdetiatly with his hands in his jeans pocket.

“Wow, what happened to you, in my mind your still twelve years old,” the man said studying Ty.

“That’s two years older than the last time you saw me, uncle Mason” Tyler said. ‘Ouch’ I thought.

“Come here,” he said before pulling Ty into a manly hug. “It’s good to see you,” Mason said.

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